Saturday, December 19, 2015

You know its almost Christmas when.....

Wow!  I can't believe its been 10 days since I have written.  It must be the season, right?  Well - I haven't been feeling it and its not that there is no snow.  But it has gotten me to reflect on Christmas's past.

When I was a child, you knew it was almost Christmas when mom would make a canner full of party mix, a tub full of caramel corn, a pan of red anise candy and a pan of peanut brittle.  Yum.  There would be a bowl of nuts in their shells that we could crack.  Now the party mix was the first thing she made and she would put it in the basement to "Keep" it until Christmas.  It didn't take long for us to figure this out.  :)  Also, the silver tinsel Christmas tree was up with the rotating 4 color wheel shining on it and the card board fireplace assembled with our stockings hung.  We would be going to our country church on Saturday mornings to practice for our program that was always on Christmas Eve.  

As an adult I knew it was almost Christmas time when I found myself busy creating Christmas gifts, writing my letters, watching my mailbox for cards coming my way, watching Christmas movies, doing Advent activities with our children and receiving plates of goodies from neighbors and friends.  There were programs to attend and music to listen to.  With working at church for several years, there would be advent readings I wrote, decorating throughout the church with the design team, gatherings to go to and plans in place for our 3 Christmas Eve services.

And now??? Well, it must be almost Christmas.  My grocery bill was higher, my pantry is full of ingredients to make yummy things, my Christmas cards are not in the mail yet, and I've been creating again.  The decorations are all up, we have been observing the advent readings in church, the stores are packed with the latest and greatest whatever that we all should be wanting and there is a Salvation Army bell ringer at every door.  But....

Well, I'm not feeling it.  I know it will get better, but I also know I have to take some responsibility for it.  I don't have the friends and neighbors here to share goodies with, programs to go to, (Eden's was cancelled due to ice and Chloe didn't have one), no writing of advent readings or organizing things for the worship services.  I can be more empathetic now for people that are not surrounded with friends and family, I can open my eyes to all that is around me and when I go to worship I can sit with my husband by my side and be totally fed.  I can open myself to letting God work in me, through me, and see what He is doing around me.  I can volunteer at the huge production of the Live Nativity that our church presents.  I can do fun Christmas things with our grandchildren that live here such as crafts, seeing the lights, etc.  And I can make up my mind to focus on what this is all about, be thankful for all I have (not what I don't have) and be a reflection of God's love to others.  

Do the same - look outside of yourself and see those around you.  Share His love and be thankful for what you do have.  Merry Christmas.

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