Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Oh, boy am I ever!  But we'll get back to that.  
Christmas is past and I hope and pray that each of you has felt blessed this season.  It is past, and yet it's not.  Keep the spirit of Christmas alive all year, remember the ultimate gift and what it meant and means. 
According to the powers of the "net", my readers have been busy lately so most probably have not even missed that I haven't written like I was.  Well, I'm stuck.
I bet we all could share stories of being stuck in different situations in our lives.  My earliest memory of this is when I was around 10.  I grew up on a farm in NW Iowa.  In the spring, after the snow has melted and you try to walk through the cattle yard to do chores, after there has been a season of cow poo building up, well - most likely you will get stuck.  I did.  When I tried to walk forward I walked right out of my boots.  Yep, then I found myself stepping in it with just my stocking feet.  
Then there were the times when I was in high school.  I most always rode the bus to school ( I know that would be a foreign thing to students of today) and on our route there were a few driveways that we would need to turn around in.  Now understand that our driver was not the brightest bulb in the pack.  When backing up, we would all gather in the back of the bus and create weight that caused it to go deeper and further than it should.  Iowa winter snow tends to really pile up in the ditches, we would get stuck and then be late for school.  Loved it!
As an adult and mom there were times we would go tubing down the mighty Ocheydan River in the summer.  We would go for 1 or 2 miles.  Getting into the river was a challenge due to basically a drop off to the river but getting out sometimes proved to be even more of a challenge.  You would get to a spot that looked like you could walk out and climb the rest of the way - but sometimes it was deceiving and you would be stuck in muck.  
And just one more - the winter following Emily's engagement (our second daughter) she, our daughter Amy and myself took off on an excursion to scope out possible reception sites.  One of them happened to be a state park that was not used for anything in the winter.  We drove down the path, stopped to walk, came back and when we tried to back up to turn around we found ourselves stuck.  My only regret was not capturing a picture of one driving, and the other two of us trying to push our way out.  Too funny.
All of these experiences of getting stuck now cause me to laugh.  I have always believed that laughter is one of the greatest gifts that God gave us.  

I love the above picture.  I think this sums up how I want to always look at my position here on earth.  
Well, recently I have realized that I am once again stuck.  Now I won't go into the details, but I am referring to being spiritually and emotionally stuck.  I could try to walk forward and find myself stepping into some rather unpleasant stuff.  I could run to the back and try to get myself more stuck.  I could look for a place to get myself out or I could try to push.  But what I really need to do is give it ALL to God and leave it there.  Rely on Him to pull, push or lift me out.  I am here because this is where God wants me.  Circumstances that I find myself in the midst of are no surprise to Him.  He knows exactly what needs to be done and when.  I will wait on the Lord, I will be thankful for all His blessings, and I will follow His lead.  
In the meantime, it is good to laugh, to reflect of the past, be patient in the now and look forward to the future.  And I will laugh!

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