Monday, July 27, 2015

Continuing on.....

we are off after spending the night in Billings MT. I was so tired yesterday that I didn't write or blog.  It was a long day yesterday with many stops and lots of highlights.  Crazy signs we saw included
Crazy Woman River, Crow Language Fluency classes, and Toe Service!  We began the day  by driving to Mount Rushmore.  I have to say we have two very patient and brave truck drivers (Aaron and Phil) with the roads we are traveling.  We have named the yellow trucks Banana Knoup and Banana Blok and I say when we are separated we are in a Banana Split.
In the afternoon we arrived at Little Bighorn, Custer's Last Stand just as a strong thunderstorm also arrived with strong/\ winds,  /\/\lightening and rain.  Some lightening struck  a prairie fire to the west of us and created some beautiful colors in the sky as the sun was setting.
It blew through and we enjoyed some great history and awww felt moments.  While there Santa was spotted in his summer attire of khaki shorts, sandals and a red shirt.  I spoke with him as he was looking at some gravestones in the National Cemetary.  Later I saw him again in a local gift shop at the Crow Cafe.  I promised not to tell what he was purchasing.  :)
At the cafe I enjoyed my first Buffalo Burger and some Indian Fry Bread.  By the time we arrived at the hotel and had everything taken care of, it did not take long to fall asleep.  The dogs have been traveling very well also.
This morning as I was reading my devotions, I couldn't believe how

God was affirming me.  It reminded me of when I have asked God for something, He is answering and with that comes responsibility,accountability, chaos and craziness.  Sometimes we forget what we have asked for amidst the chaos and craziness.  While packing my desk at home, I ran across a not of a prayer that I wrote during a sermon series at Hope Church.  We wrote them and then was mailed them back to remind ourselves of what we wrote. I stuck mine in my "file" and it was forgotten.  My prayer was for God to use me as He saw fit and WHERE he saw fit.  WOW!  The last couple of lines of my devotion were this - So stop.  Ponder.  Inhale.  Exhale.  Smile.  Pray.  And keep going.  You will grow into the place you need to go.
"May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy."  Col 1:11

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