Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Journey's End?????

Yed, today is the day, teh day we arrive at our new destination - well sort of.  But more of that later . . . .

Yesterday we drove up & down & around the mountins from Billings MT to Wallace ID.  We watched the temperatures drop, the rain fall, the wind blow and the hail bounce.  Amy was driving the van and I was trying to keep kids entertained.  When we stoped for lunch at a Subway you should have seen the looks on faces when we entered wearing shorts, tank tops, sandals . . . When we were leaving one of the employees actually came out to read our license plates to see where we were coming from.  :)

I've decided after driving through Wyoming and Montana that in order to live in the country (which is beautiful) you must desire solitude.  The housees are few and ffar between, there were no billboards, few signs for places to see.... but have no fear!  I saw an ad on the t.v. for an online dating site for farmers only.  Enough said (The modern version of mail order bride?)
We spent the night in Wallace ID.  highly recommend this tiny town as a visit if you come out this way.  Lots of history, snuggled in the mountains, home of a silver mine and great food.  The towon is less than 800.  We plan to return for a weekend sometime.

Here's an interesting sign we sw a few times - Game Crossing Next -- miles.  Not something we saw in NW Iowa.
Once we were on the other side of the mountains, past Spokane, we began to see cattle and wheat fields being harveted.  We also saw these two large piles of wheat on the ground, like the piles of corn we have in Iowa.  Also spotted several dust devils.  I now understand way the Class A baseball team of the Tri-Cities has the dust devil as their mascot.  We did complete our journey here nd now we ar trying to settle into an extended stay hotel.  How long?  Depends on paper work and the bank.  So maybe our title today should read, "this portion of our journey is complete"

I have to say that with each mile drawing us closer to our destination, I was filling with excitement.  Once we were unloaded and getting settled into our room, I started to feel anxious.  I couldn
t jump into my car and get groceries, I didn't have the pans and utensils to start cooking, I didn't have ..... o.k. you get the picture.  I then started to feel depressed.  I am tired, I am out of my comfort zone, my normal surroundings and feeling somewhat disconnected.  
"Martha, Martha," Jesus answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but few are needed - or indeed onlly one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not betaken away from her."  Lue 10:41-42
Busy can be a badge of nonor that some people wear, I know I have.  Looking back I cn see how I was getting burned out, exhausted.  I do belive part of what God wants to teach me is to get back to times of just "being".  I know when we are always busy, always doing (even when they are all good things) that we often can't hear God, experience Him as He desires.  Also, we will have exhausted our energy supply and have none for the challenges and trials taht will come.  I need to remember, that time off for ME is not wasted, just as I would look at it for anyone else.  Jesus went off to be by Himself and Mother Theresa learned the hard way as well.  
"Teach me, Oh Lord, what you want me to know, who You want me to be, and what I should do.  Amen."   

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