Monday, January 4, 2016

Blinded by the Snow

Recently I have been reminded in more than one place of the blizzard of 1975 in NW Iowa.  It began on Friday morning January 10 and the winds did not begin to subside until Sunday morning.  The snow was so blinding that I remember sitting at the table in our kitchen silently praying as my Dad would put layers upon layers on and trek outside to do the chores twice a day.  This was the only time I saw him tie a rope between the barn and the house so he could find his way to and from.  And I use the term "saw him" loosely, the snow really was blinding.  We would sit around the kitchen table and play gin rummy over and over and over.  We didn't have a cupboard full of games.  We used candle when it got too dark.  We were fortunate to have a gas stove so we could cook and against all recommendations, use for some heat.  We also would use the battery operated radio to hear of updates on different people missing.  This was before the Internet or cell phones.  There were numerous people that went missing and the local radio station was the only way to communicate and find out if they were safe.  Even though we did not personally know most of the people we would anxiously wait word to find out that they had been found and safe.
After two long days, many livestock lost, and even some humans, the winds died down and the sun once again did shine.  What we saw were snow drifts taller than our buildings and the layout of our yard seemed so different.
We had to shovel by hand around the fence lines of all the yards that held livestock because the level of snow was deeper than the fences.  We had to dig a hole large enough in front of our machine shed to get the tractor and loader out so it could turn around.  (After that Dad always backed it in)  We had to dig what could be called steps down to the door of a small shed that housed our young calves that i would feed by a bucket with a nipple.  Dad had to dump the milk from our dairy cows for days, even weeks because the truck couldn't make it to the farm.  That spring he sold the cows.  And by spring when we could finally clean out that small shed that housed the young calves, wow did it reek!
It was horrific, but I have some good memories from it as well.  It forced us to be in close quarters for a few days, to spend time together and even have some fun.  
Well, it sort of feels like we are in a blinding snow storm now.  And I have been reminded of this - And He gives grace generously.  As the Scriptures say, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."  James 4:6 NLT 
I could go on like everything is fine when it isn't - but wouldn't that be staying proud?  I could keep the struggles to myself, but I believe that God brought us here, that it was His plan.  And I believe that God can use what has and is happening to His good.  
We are in a financial pickle.  Sorry for the wording but to me it really fits.  Our plan was that I wouldn't have to worry about a job when we moved here.  But we didn't plan on having $3000 scammed from us.  We didn't plan on the car payment that we now have due to that.  We didn't plan on the huge jump in health insurance premiums and now I am on government health care.  (Health care is so messed up now.)  I have been looking for a part time job but I have psoriatic arthritis and I can't stand for long periods of time and I can't lift much for weight.  We do believe that I am to continue to be there for our grandchildren.  We also believe that God has a plan.  
So, I am asking that you remember us in prayer.  Pray that the blinding snow subsides, that we see clearly God's plan and that He uses it for His will.  And pray that my mind and sight are not blinded by the lies from Satan.  He knows my weaknesses and gets me to think I am weak and to blame.  I am so thankful for the people that read my blog.  Many I don't know personally but I believe that God is using this as well.


  1. Praying Jean! We are struggling too! God Bless you!

    1. Thanks Kathy. Looking forward to what God will do.
