Monday, February 8, 2016

Honesty Can Be Costly

Ever had this happen to you?  Someone asked you for your honest opinion, the truth, but when you spoke it they gave you a look like - "You've Got to be Kidding!"  You just did what they had asked for and now they seem mad.  That's confusing and costly where your emotions are concerned.

Shortly after moving into our house I was traveling a 4 lane road headed to our daughter Amy's house.  I was buckled in, singing along with radio, everything was good.  And then I glanced in my review mirror and Yup, you guessed it.  There were flashing lights following me.  Now I was not only on a 4 lane road, but suddenly I was at an exit and approaching an underpass.  At first I was not sure if his lights were on for me or not.  I didn't' think I should pull over to the right because that was an on ramp for another road so I began to pull to the left and I see him waving me to the right.  So I obeyed.

He came up to my window and proceeded to tell me that I should always pull over to the right.  I get that but these were not normal circumstances.  He didn't want to hear that.  Then he asked if I knew what the speed limit was or how fast I was going.  I said I honestly did not.  I had recently moved to the area and had no idea.  I was about to tell him that there was no speed limit sign from my corner all the way to where we were, but again, he didn't want to hear that.  I waited for my ticket (more money I really didn't have to spare) and politely thanked him before pulling back into traffic and on my way.  

This was another case where being honest was costly and yet it was the right thing to do.  On a side note I was very proud of myself, I didn't break down and cry, I didn't get nervous and upset and I didn't try to lie my way out of it.  

Warren Buffett said it well.  

This is great food for thought.  I don't believe that when he said "cheap people" he was talking about finances.  ;)  But those that don't use honesty are lacking so much that it makes them poor.

This also is wonderful food for thought.  This is God's plan for us.  

15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.  Eph 4:15 (NLT)
When we speak the truth, and don't forget the love part, we are and will continue to grow to be more Christ like.  Love is so key.  We are to love our neighbors, love the Lord our God, love our families, SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE.  Happy Valentines Day this coming Sunday!  Share the love ;-)

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