Monday, April 18, 2016

WHO am I, anyway?

Have you ever wondered who you really are?  Wondered what your purpose is, your journey to travel, and so on and so on?

Well all through time people, animals, plants, etc. have turned the wrong way on occasion and it hasn't turned out so well. Since moving into our house, we have a mourning dove that visits us daily.  Somewhere along its life there was a wrong turn.
The above is a picture of it sitting alone on the wire.  I observed it the other day trying to slide over closer to another mourning dove but was soon left alone.  Maybe the one that left has heard this guy try to "talk".  When ever it does it sounds like a cross between a peacock and a crow stuck in a box.  Yep, that's what he sounds like - poor guy.  I think he will be destined to be alone.

And then there is our willow tree that we had to cut a branch out of.  Instead of being parallel to or growing on in its own territory it tried to cross over to where it shouldn't have been.
You can see the damage it was starting to cause in the center of the picture on the branch it was trying to "cross over" on.  Well that surely didn't turn out so well, cause now it has been chopped into little pieces.  ;)

Have you ever been told something but it seemed way to good to be true?  So because we couldn't possible think that was right, we turn to our own thoughts and plans.  How did that turn out for you?

Or maybe you felt like it was so good you believed it couldn't possible be for you.  You don't deserve that, someone like you (someone like me).  We feel inferior, we have self-doubt, we aren't as smart, we aren't as pretty (handsome).  It is much easier at times to believe it must be the plan for someone else.  It is easier (at least it usually is for me) to focus on the blessings for others than for myself.

Look at this quote I found on the internet, oh so true:  
God has made each of us unique, special, and perfect for what His plan is, for each of us to do, how to live, our hope and our future.  What blows my mind is when I think of the whole world and the billions of people out there - I can feel like a speck of dust in a wind storm across the dessert.  And yet He knows ME, he knows every part of me, all about me, and what is best for me.  And it is the same for you.  He also knew we would screw up at times.  So He took care of that - His only Son gave up His life in a horrible way in front of many so that our sins, our screw ups, our doubts and wrong decisions could vanish and our future be secure with Him.  

All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him the sins of us all.     Isaiah 53:6  NLT

How cool is that?  Several years ago I turned over my life, my control to God.  I was always somewhat reluctant to give up that control.  But wow, when I did - life became so much better.  I didn't feel like a puppet, but rather my eyes were opened to the many things around me that God wants me to enjoy.  Yes, I still screw up, I still take wrong turns - but usually now I recognize it sooner so I can get back on track. 

Who am I?  I am a child of the King, saved by grace!

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