Friday, May 13, 2016

Being Educated on my Trip to Phoenix

Last weekend I traveled to Phoenix to honor a special man who has passed away.  That would be my Uncle Verne (Vern, Bleek, Bleeker).  A man with many names, but one reputation - that of being very special to all who knew him.  I expected emotions, highs and lows - but not the education I would receive.

It all began when we arrived at the Pasco Airport and observed the sign directing you to Long Term Parking - first 10 minutes free.  Whaaaat???  What is their definition of long term?

I did develop some questions that I don't have the answers for, therefore I guess I have yet to learn in these areas.  First why do they have people board that sit in aisle seats before the people that have window seats?  And why do you fly into a humongous airport, need to switch planes, and to go to the farthest terminal to board a plane with the same airline?

I arrived in Phoenix a little later than planned following a rough flight, took the shuttle to the rental car facility to pick up my car.  Well, there I learned that even though you prebook your car, there are still many decisions to be made.  I also learned to never book compact again.  I did not know that the definition of compact is Tiny Toy Transportation.  I swear the wheels looked like they were from a toy wagon. 

Running late I traveled to my hotel and checked in.  When I approached the desk, no one was present but there was a sign on the counter that they were away helping someone.  If you needed help right away use the house phone and dial _ _ _ _    Okay, I was running late so I thought I would call.  Hmmm - there was no house phone.  And I also learned that what helping someone else meant was that he was in the bathroom next door. 

I freshened up, changed from my traveling clothes and proceeded to my toy car.  I got out my phone and punched in the address of where I was going to dinner to meet up with family.  I sent them a text to let them know I was on my way.  The lesson I learned here was that the traffic and roadways in Phoenix are multiplied to what I am used to in the Tri Cities.  And for left turns - proceed past, go around a block and come back to make sure you have it.

I proceeded to make my way to the left to the two left turn lanes ( I thought)  I suddenly found myself colliding with another vehicle.  I got out, made sure everyone was o.k., called 911 and moved my vehicle out of the way of traffic.  I kept apologizing, hugged the other driver and then cried.  That's just the way my body works.  I met two Chandler AZ police officers that were very kind and compassionate.  I learned the steps to go through when you have an accident and with a rental car.

I did not make the dinner, it was late and didn't have the emotional stamina to walk in there.  I went through a drive through for a sandwich and proceeded back to the hotel.  A little while later, I get a phone call from the lobby that there is a man there claiming to be my cousin.  Turns out it was my cousin and her husband coming to check on me.  I learned of the love and compassion that my extended family has.  Was amazing and they got me laughing. 

There was great beauty in Arizona as it is Springtime in the desert and the cacti and plants were beautiful.  I saw the majestic saguaro cacti blooming.  I've always been fascinated by these plants and I learned that the blossoms open after sunset and close in the afternoon the following day.  Cool.

I also learned that sometimes it is better to leave things as they are.  Someone thought  it would be a good idea to try to conceal the cell towers in the city.  One I saw was supposed to look like a pine tree and another was to look like a palm tree.  NOT.  Looked worse than seeing the cell tower.

I also learned that hearses have multi purposes.  I passed one that was pulling a U Haul Trailer.  Hahahaha   OK, just hope it was not a body in there.

Of course the main thing was that while family dynamics may change, the value of having family is priceless and a blessing.  When I called my husband to inform him of the accident, he informed me that it was just that - an accident.  He also told me there would be a big hug waiting when I got back home, he wasn't mad, didn't blame me and continues to love me.  To have my cousin stop by the hotel that night was also priceless.  And thoughts of my Uncle came to mind.  He would have had a joke about the accident and then tell me he loved me followed by a hug.  I will always miss his unconditional love. 

But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.   1 Tim 5:8 (NLT)

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