Monday, May 16, 2016

We Need to Move It Move It

Watch one of my favorite clips from  great movie and this fun song.

There are so many ways to move these days.  On days that I need a little encouragement to get moving I might play the song from the above clip.  We of course can move by car, truck, bus, train, plane, etc.  Thankfully in large airports there are moving sidewalks.
When I was a kid and would go into a large department store in a mall, there quite often was a second floor with an escalator to get there. 
I figured this was a really classy store to have something so great as an escalator.

A fun way to move it might be to have a bicycle or segue.

I have a 1969 vintage bicycle that I love but have not had the pleasure of the segue.

Or how about a zipline?

This is on my bucket list and today found that there are several here in Washington State so maybe that will get checked off some day.  

The scariest way of moving for me probably was riding in this:

Crawling into one of these "cars" is how you reach the top of the Arch in St. Louis MO.  I am somewhat claustrophobic and pair that up with the tilt, screech, straighten, and repeat that pattern all the way up to the top.  I felt relieved to step out and see for miles.  Unfortunately had to re-enter to return to the bottom. 

Yesterday we had the privilege of listening to Reggie McNeal in our worship service.  He gave us 4 things that we need to remember as Christians while we are on this journey in our faith.  It was great to be reminded and hear his sense of humor.  The one that struck me the most was to Keep Walking with God.  There is no finish line until our life here on earth is over.  Therefore we need to keep moving.  Perfection is not expected of us but we should keep the direction the same.  We must remember where our focus needs to stay.

Sometimes we may be flying down a zipline, strolling on a segue or screeching roughly to the top.   But our destiny does not change.  Our purpose does not change, but our mode of transportation, our means of moving may.  It may be something entirely new to us and that's o.k. 

Nearly 10 months ago we literally moved across the country to an area we had never been to, had no job and no home.  We moved because we felt God wanted us to.  How He wants us to continue moving in our journey of faith here in Washington State is something we will continue to trust in Him for. 

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.  Colossians 2:6-7 NLT

I really thought my roots were in Iowa soil for life.  God showed me and encouraged me otherwise.  Where ever it might be, how ever it might be - remember to "move it move it move it."  :)

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