Saturday, August 1, 2015

Discombobulated, Homeless, New Surroundings

Yes, discombobulated is a real word, I've used it before - but now I'm feeling it.  in the Urban Dictionary the definition is - feeling disconnected or unbalanced.  With all our belongings in
storage and living in a new city and state far from what is familiar - you can see what I mean.  Today we even went searching in the storage unit to find some much needed papers.  On aside note - a little weird when you enter, it looks exactly like those on the reality show "Storage Wars." :)  When the door lifted to reveal our "household", I felt overwhelmed.  But then re-focused on the task at hand.  
With our identity in tack we have secured our new PO Box.  When people here find out we have just relocated and find out that we moved from Iowa the reaction has always been the same - "Why?"  I chuckle.  Like I told Pastor Russell in Spencer - you obey God.
I was able to have a long conversation about this with a check out young man at Walmart the other day.  Hopefully I encouraged him.  You never know how God is going to use you.  
Moving on to HOMELESS.   This came to me the other day as well.  We have settled in "the best we can" to our 1st temporary residence of an extended stay hotel.  It's not "ours," it's not "permanent", we aren't sure for how long.  Yep - I'm homeless.  Goes well with the discombobulated feeling.  Trying ot make a routine - somewhat.  Basically we have 7 people and 2 dogs in 2 rooms.  No space for "your own space".  BUT you do what you can.  Go outside, take walks, etc.  Yesterday I drove around for a couple of hours.  Gave me some time to myself and I got a better feel for the lay out of the cities.  Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11-12 "Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.  I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything.  I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little."  
I am reminded tha tI do have all I need.  There are many in the world who do not.  Am I always content?  NO.  But I am working on that.  
NEW SURROUNDINGS  Here are a few of our new experiences.  Turn arounds - I'm getting the hang of them and they are marked well.  
Temperatures of 104, but feel like 98.  Honestly?  It really is a dry heat and even though in the hottest part of the day I want to be inside, I can stand to sit in the shade.  Don't miss the humidity.
Splash pads  These are awesome and there are several located throughout the cities.  Kids have fun, you don't have ot worry about anyone drowning, and you can even walk near to get cooled off yourself.  (That's Eden and Chloe above.  

Sooo......  discombobulated?  God's got this and we will survive.  Homeless?  Jesus experiencied that and never worried.    (But if anyone wants to buy 1204 3rd Ave W, then Timothy can go through the paper work to buy ours, then we can look here...... that would help)  and new surroundings?  God has long ago given me the strength to ask questions or for help if I'm not sure what to do or where.    
Thanks for following us or going with us on this adventure.  I will continue to keep you updated.  Prayers are asked for patience, paperwork to go through, house selling and buying and Phil meets with hopefully what will be his new employer on Monday morning.  
Till next time.......

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