Friday, September 11, 2015

7 Weeks and counting.....

Here we are completing week 7 of this New Adventure.  Wow.  Our things are still in storage.  The plants?  My suggestion is you don't try to move very far with live plants.  We brought 9 raspberry plants and have 4 or 5.  Not so bad.  The half dozen flowering plants - nope.  The rose bush cutting that has been a part of my family since I was born - nope.  The five herbs I had growing well - nope.  I won't post a picture - you know what dried twigs look like.  :)

I don't know what to do or think some days.  House hunting has been hard.  Either too far from our budget, needs a total gut job, or not in a neighborhood I would feel safe in living.  We keep praying and hoping that Amy and Aaron continue to be patient.  
Labor day was this past weekend.  For me it was an unusual one.  We took care of Everitt Friday nite and Saturday as the rest traveled to Portland.  Phil tore the car apart (didn't go well) to replace a bearing in the A/C.  After hours of struggling he finally got it a part but had been sold the wrong size bearing.  ugh.......

Soooo..... we have the one vehicle, I couldn't go anywhere if I wanted to (and I did :))  Sunday and Monday were hard as I felt in the way.  No nobody said or did anything to indicate that.  I'm trying to stay out of the way so they can have their family time.  The Labor Day weekends I have grown accustomed to involve us camping somewhere and the last few years they have been spent with Gabriel, Emily (our daughter) and Lyla.  We would go to Art Splash in Sioux City as Gabriel displayed and sold his paintings.  

Really miss them.  AND it was our son's (Timothy) birthday, he closed on selling his house AND he is now in a relationship.  It is hard not to tear up when I talk to them.  Love them all and miss them and celebrate what is happening in their lives.  As I do with all our friends back in Iowa as well.  

We did return to our storage unit last week.  The weather has changed in that it is chilly in the morning and we were looking for different clothes.  Phil in particular for a jacket for work.

Yep, you have to be good at acrobatics.  Well, Phil found his things, but not mine.  Hmmmmm.......

We visited our fourth church last week.  It certainly gets the award for most beautiful.
That is a floor to ceiling glass wall behind the platform.  On the outside is a huge waterfall facing the sanctuary.  There were 2 or 3 other water features that we saw around the building as well.  What I wanted to say was, you can't help looking at it during the service.  As I did this, I noticed there were basically 4 different paths the water was taking.  The first was very slow, took many turns, and eventually reached the bottom.  The second was gushing - almost jumping straight down to reach the bottom.  The third was running fast but hit every level, each step on the way down.  The fourth took its time going straight down, almost a trickle.  You know me - I couldn't help but think of that's how we are as humans, as Christians.  Sometimes we jump in, sometimes we go forward but keep trying to take a different path, sometimes we are in a hurry but cautious and sometimes we barely move forward.  Which path are you on right now?  At times since being here, I feel like I am the first one.  Taking many turns, some due to not knowing, some due to not trusting, and some due to anxiety.  

At the conclusion of the service we celebrated communion.  Remember a few posts back how I kept referring to the phrase - "God's Got This"?  Well the pastor in leading into communion told us that when Jesus was on the cross, to die for our sins, to pay the ultimate price - it was like he was saying "I've Got This".  I'm so glad God keeps reminding me.

Here's your funny for the day - 

This is one of the bushes/trees in the front yard.  (Don't worry - it's not staying)  But it makes me laugh.  How would you title this?  A trush?  A bu - ee?  A new birth?  I'm sure you can be more creative that I.  Remember to laugh and -
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Proverbs 3:5-7a (The Message)