Saturday, September 5, 2015

Continued prayers needed, but don't forget to laugh!

Yes, many prayers are needed for many things.  The top of my thinking this morning and every morning are the many wildfires throughout the state.  Below is the site you can see the current fires here in the state of Washington.
There are still 15 uncontained fires in Washington.  Pray for the firefighters, the law enforcement officials, the land owners, and all those affected by these fires.  
Wild fires are big here in Washington.  On the lighter side - seems like many things are big here in Washington.  The first time I walked into Walmart near our hotel I went - "Oh my, this place is huge!"  Then I discovered a Dollar Tree store and repeated my words.  (They even had frozen and fresh foods in coolers!)  And then..... I went to a discount Winco Food store.  Can't tell you what I said, but I felt overwhelmed by everything available.  Yup - its big.  BUT - there are many houses that are tiny.  Yes tiny living is nothing new.  When Hanford Nuclear Production began in the forties and many people came to live out here to work there, the government hired Albin Pherson, an architect from Spokane.  Depending on the letter, depends the size and layout.  

There are several of these houses still here and we have looked at some for purchase BUT when you walk into a 2 bedroom "T" house, the ceiling feels like you are in a small camper and the layout is not so efficient.  Hmmmmm....... I enjoy the history of these houses though.
Here's a good laugh - due to the Hanford site, there are many ways that it has influenced the Tri Cities.  Ex. - The high school is nicknamed the Bombers and their mascot is a mushroom cloud.  There is a mobile park and the streets are named Nuclear, Cosmic, Proton, Galaxy, etc.  We saw a bowling alley called The Atomic Bowl.  There is also the Atomic Ale, Atomic Auto.... well you get the picture.  Now please don't get political and tell me the negatives, just laugh.
I have always said one of the greatest gifts God gave us is laughter.  And yes, I have been told many times people know of my presence by hearing my laugh.  Well, that's better than many things I could be known for.  :)  It helps get through many things.  Such as a hot day - but it's a dry heat.  No house yet - but Amy and Aaron have a live in nanny, handyman, etc.
I'm overweight - but my grandchildren think I am comfy.
We have experienced our third church since being here.  I have come to realize that if you keep searching and signing the "get to know you" cards, you can keep gaining different gifts.  I have received a small book, a water bottle, a local coffee shop gift card and a Starbucks gift card.  (Just kidding, that is not why we are visiting different churches (or is it???)
A glad heart makes a happy face;
    a broken heart crushes the spirit.  Prov 15:13 (NLT)
For the despondent, every day brings trouble;
    for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.  
Prov 15:15 (NLT)
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
    but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.  
Prov 17:22 (NLT)
By laughing I will have a happy face, a continual feast and be strong!  It helps with ones health, gives us such a better outlook on things and puts things into perspective.  So make sure at the end of every day you find something to laugh at.  
Continued prayers for finances, financing, and a suitable house.  Prayers for family and friends in Iowa whom we love and continue to care for.  Some are dealing with some heavy issues.  Prayers for finding the right church, neighborhood, and connections.  Prayers for knowing where and how we are to serve.  And I pray that these words gave you a smile today.  

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