Monday, September 21, 2015


Update - the wildfires are getting better and more under control.  Thank you for the prayers.

The good news?  We have offered, offer accepted, inspection done, loan papers completed, for our own house!  Now we wait to get all the details completed and hopefully by the end of October we will be moved in.  We are excited that it is only one block from the Columbia river, park and trails for biking and walking.  Short distance to shopping, eating, and only 2 miles to the Knoup residence!  WooHoo!!!!!

Finally - I'm typing on my own computer.  Well, what we are now going to use for a computer.  Up till now, I have used my 7 inch tablet, the Knoup laptop and/or a hotel computer.  We left behind our previous computer - it wasn't worth packing.  Today I/we purchased a notebook.  It is multi-functional, we can take it with us, etc.  So anyway, hopefully I now will be more regular at my blogging.  I'm thinking of Monday's and Thursday's.  Let me know what you think.

Speaking of leaving things behind - I started to think of what we left behind in Iowa.  We left behind a bad computer, obviously, as well as a home finally remodeled how we wanted, my air jet bathtub (of which I really miss), our church home and involvement (and yes, everyone there and everything about Hope is missed as well), our family including two children, many many friends, our camper, our couches, our piano, our pond filled with fish, my hammock chair, our washer and dryer, etc.   Even though I miss all of these things, they are just things.  And the people?  Well, hopefully, they (and you) will stay in touch and visit us out here in the Pacific Northwest.  We continue to care greatly for each of you.

Many and probably most people couldn't understand why we did what we did the way that we did it.  Translated, we quit our jobs, packed most but not all of our belongings, moved to a location that we had never been to, never visited, did not have a house to move to or a job confirmed.  Some probably even said we were crazy.  There was a time I would have agreed with you.  BUT .....   

We prayed, we asked, and God confirmed in many ways that we were to do this.  We are calling it our new journey.  A journey that will continue for a long time to come (God willing) and will continue to teach and grow us.  God has told us many times in His Word to go, to share, to be His light.  He didn't tell us to wait, to get everything in order, to make sure we were comfortable and then go.  I'm not saying this is for everyone, God knows your journey you are to take.  It might be a journey where you will grow and never physically leave where you are right now. So ask  yourself this - Where will you go for God?  What will you do by His grace for Him?  He sacrificed His son to give you and me life eternal, what little He asks of us.  Hmmmm........

Here is what happens to you when the t.v. is off and playing alone is not an option in Eden's mind - 

Truthfully, I missed this from when the girls were younger.  Don't worry - I didn't go out in public like this.  ;)

I continue to be entertained with things I here and see that I am not used to.  Such as standing in line at a Dollar Tree to check out and where you would see those items such as snacks, candy, (what they try to get you to purchase, your weaknesses) i saw condoms and a home test for illegal drug use.  Hmmmm.......
While driving today I heard an advertisement for Wine Country Family Dentistry - the name seams to be its own oxymoron.  Hmmmmm........
A plaid Volkswagen bug.  Hmmmm.......
A crane for????  Hmmmm......

 A tree that insisted it would grow, even if that meant crawling on the ground.  Hmmmm......
3 in one.  See the 3 distinct sets of rings?  Hmmm.....
From a distance, it looks like a giant chicken lost its foot here. Hmmm......

 A wild grape vine that grew so big, well you can see how big some of the main vine is.  Hmmmm.....
And yep, this one is for you to figure out.  Hmmmm......

See what unusual things are around you.  Until next time.....


  1. I love reading your blog! This one reminds me of that most profound part of the Abram and Sarai story (Children and Worship): "Abram and Sarai went." Period. I've thought of it often since you announced that you were moving.

  2. I love reading your blog! This one reminds me of that most profound part of the Abram and Sarai story (Children and Worship): "Abram and Sarai went." Period. I've thought of it often since you announced that you were moving.
