Monday, November 9, 2015

Do you see the light?

You know, as I was reading my devotional for today, it was focusing on being the light in a dark place.  You know, a reflection of God's light for others to see.

Well, I love light.  I have night lights everywhere to dispel the darkness of the night.  The first thing I do in the morning when I get up is open up all the curtains so the light of the day can shine in.  With the new car we purchased, it has a moon/sun roof.  Love to have the light shining in on me.  

So naturally when we were looking at the possibility of moving to the SE part of Washington State, the news that they deal with over 300 days of sunshine sent me to dancing!  Gotta love the sunshine.  

Well, the last few days here have been cloudy and drippy.  With the time change and our position in the time zone, our sun has been setting around 4:30 p.m. and on the shortest day of the year in December it will be 4:12 p.m.  Wow, that's hard for a light person like me.   And it can easily turn into being a depressing time or a negative one if I'm not careful.

What I didn't do and haven't done was think about the other 50-60 days.  So we don't have sunshine all the time, but we do have it 86 percent of the time.  See the positive.  That because of days like we are having I have the desire to cook several different homemade soups.  All those drips that are falling are being soaked into the ground and supplying a need to all that grows there.  

So it's darker outside, I turn on the lights in the house, light some of my favorite candles.  There are plenty of days and places in our lives where we need to remember that if the light isn't bright - we can do something about it.  

Because of the mercy that God lavishes on us each day, because of the grace that He has showered upon us we can "turn on" the light.  We can shine so others can see.  

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