Monday, November 23, 2015

I'm Amazed!

I am totally amazed that I have had well over 5000 views of my blog since I began.  If you would have told me that in the beginning, I would have chuckled.  It has humbled me and I have heard from some people in my life that are appreciating what is being said.  I also am amazed how God is using me.

I am totally amazed at the trails I have access to and the great walking I am able to do.  I am also amazed at all the geese, ducks, etc. that I have seen recently gathered in this one area.  For some reason they enjoy "relieving" themselves on the paved walkway for the trail instead of the in the grassy areas.  Let me tell you, that's a lot of goose poop!  :)

This week is Thanksgiving followed by jumping into the Advent season and Christmas.  Many people are drawn into the sales, bargains, and "hoopla" of Black Friday.  I am totally amazed at the length some people will go to for what they believe is the greatest deal.  And I am totally amazed at the length businesses are going to drawing us in.  A few days ago, we were given "inside information" from an employee about a deal that would benefit us if we came to Black Friday at 5 a.m.  I'll admit that at first I was amazed by this.  And then after I got home, I realized that I really don't like all that Black Friday stands for, all that it creates, etc.  So, no, we are not going after the great deal.

Unfortunately, even as Christians, we too often lose sight and go for the gimmicks, the hooks, or the eye catching snazzy advertising to draw others in.  We get lost in doing this whether it is in to our lives, our communities, or our churches.  I'm not saying we need to be plain "janes" and stay away from all that is colorful.  God has created a beautiful world with many amazing things for us to enjoy and use.  BUT we need to put things in perspective, be amazed by His creation, go after what is important, use what is effective, and enjoy the simplicity.

In life we see many things that amaze us.  For some it may be watching a magic show or seeing great acts during America's Got Talent.  For others it may be the birth of a child, to watching their children grow and learn new things to realizing that there is someone in their life that loves them unconditionally.  Slow down, open your eyes, your hearts, and your minds to what is going on around you.  Be amazed at life and let God use you to amaze others.  Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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