Monday, November 2, 2015

It's the little things.....

Have you ever noticed that no matter what your wish list is or shopping list or whatever, it's usually the little things that bring the most joy?

This past weekend some more things arrived at our house to make it more our home.  On Friday our Washer, Dryer and Refrigerator were delivered.  I have a Laundry room, well some would call it an over sized walk in closet - but its my laundry room!  I'm tickled and will make it special.  The frig came, I once again have ice on command.  I love ice water and drink it all day long.  WooHoo!!!!

We picked up the couch on Saturday morning.  Then went and got our new bed.  The bed sleeps like a dream.  I'm so excited. And we have a queen bed, something we haven't had since before we had children.  WooHoo!

I can walk to the Columbia River's edge in 2 minutes and then take the trail in either direction.  I have always loved the water and now I nearly live on it.  

Abby and I are loving the walks.  WooHoo!

I opened a few more boxes today.  Found a wall hanging that Emily made for us before we moved and a "drawing" that Lyla did as well.  WooHoo!!!

And then there was the rain we received this weekend.  Its a big deal when it rains here, I mean when it really rains.  And it did Friday and Saturday.  This was followed by some amazing rainbows.  Beautiful.  

Or here's a simple one, you know how you seldom where socks in in the summer, well, that is for girls anyway.  I have begun wearing my favorite socks again and they feel like a hug for my feet.  WooHoo!!

I love it when I receive an email or a text from someone just to say hi.  Makes my day.  Or when you have a grand daughter say how much they love something you made.  Or the sound of your grandson saying "Gamma"  and come running to you.  Or to be texting with one of your children and they tell you they love you or they are proud of you.  WooHoo!!

All of these little things add up to more than anything I could put on a wish list or shopping list.  All of these things are blessings showered upon us like a beautiful sunshiny morning.  
Feel the rays, enjoy the day, count the little things.


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