Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dog Friendly

So, I've got to say, I've never seen such a dog friendly place as the Tri Cities.  Of course we were always able to find pet friendly hotels as we traveled out here and then again for the 3 weeks we lived in one while waiting to get into Amy & Aaron's house, but it didn't stop there.

I have seen a dog bowl of water sitting outside of several businesses such as coffee shops, etc.

And when we finished climbing Badger mountain and was returning through the park, we saw a water fountain, paused to get a drink and then noticed there was also a "bowl" located near the ground for Abby to get refreshed as well.  
I've seen people with their dogs in Home Depot as well as other stores and twice we have seen someone on separate occasions in different churches have their pooch at worship.  Enough said.  

Pets are amazing and become important parts of our lives, our families.  A few days ago, a special part of our family, Casey, was relieved of her pain and suffering.  We left her in Spencer with Timothy when we moved.  We knew the move would be too hard on her.  And still it was hard to say "goodbye" again.  And very hard for our son to be the one to take her to the vet.  

Our pets are gifts from God, He is the creator of all things.  And what a gift they are to us.  Unconditional love, companionship, and fun!   And He expects us to care for them properly.  I believe how a person treats animals reflects much as to how they would or do treat humans.  Our pets love us unconditionally: They don't care what we look like, how much money we make, or what we do for a living. All they ask is that we give them a bit of our time and our attention. 

But they are a living thing, and there is nothing alive that won't go through death.  That's the hard part.  Saying good bye, going through separation.  

Each one of us will face death someday.  And though it is hard to say good bye to ones we love, we have the assurance and hope from God that when we profess Christ as our personal Savior - death is not the end, it is part of the journey to eternal life with Him.

Celebrate each day, love your pets, have fun with them.  But remember to share your story and His story with others, about the promise of eternal life with Him, about the forgiveness of our crud and the grace waiting for each of us.

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