Friday, March 4, 2016

Going the WRONG way!

Have you ever had this happen?

I have.  Several years ago, my sister and I were traveling through Detroit Michigan.  We were on our way to Chatham Ontario to visit my husband's parents.  My father in law was a pastor there for awhile.  I was confident I knew my way.  We planned to take the bridge across the river/border.  Well, at midnight, sometimes things aren't always clear.  We found ourselves traveling down a street and people were waving at us.  Finally put our window down and we were told we were going the wrong way.  I guess it was a bit more than people simply waving at us. hahaha

Recently I was headed to a location here in the TriCities.  Of course I can still use the excuse that everything is so new and I'm still figuring things out.  (Can't I)  After  turning  into a driveway to get to my location, I realized I had turned too soon.  So I made a left hand turn to travel to my destination on what I thought was a frontage road.   When I got to the next intersection, I noticed the stop sign and thought, "Why is it so small?"  It was then that I realized I was driving on the walking/biking trail, not a road.  Oh man, I felt so embarrassed for going the wrong way.

It was then that I began thinking about all the times I have gone the wrong way.  I come to an intersection in life, I believe I know the right way to go, begin my "travels" and suddenly find someone trying to tell me, or I see a sign telling me, or .......

The key is to listen.  We have an amazing, patient, all knowing Daddy, Father, God who wants us to get back on track.  He wants us to go the right way - His way.  He knows best, He wants good for us. 
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
As humans we can be pretty stubborn.  Even after going through some things time and time again, we make the same mistakes, the same wrong turns.  Trust God's map, God's direction for your life.  Jesus is the Way!

It may not be the easiest path, it will probably seem up hill at times.  But the amazing destination can be yours!


  1. Oh, my goodness, can I relate! I led Janessa the wrong way in St. Thomas, got Karen and Carla in a pickle in BOTH France and Italy...I could go on. Reminds me of Prov 3.5-6. Thank you, my friend!

    1. At least we are safe and can laugh about it now.

  2. Oh, my goodness, can I relate! I led Janessa the wrong way in St. Thomas, got Karen and Carla in a pickle in BOTH France and Italy...I could go on. Reminds me of Prov 3.5-6. Thank you, my friend!
