Sunday, August 30, 2015

Who would have thought ......

I know, I know.... it's been awhile since I have posted.  Well, we moved in, had no Internet for over a week.....  yada yada yada.
But I'm back!!!!  I've missed "talking" to all of you.
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Well, yes - who would have thought that when we said yes to this journey, this new adventure that we would spend that many nights in a hotel.  Well, God did.
Who would have thought that when we said yes we would experience some of the things we have - like the dust storms that occur when it does get windy here.
Yes, it looks like when we would have windy, snowy days in Iowa.  And just imagine what the inside of your house looks like if you have no A/C and have the windows open to try to stay cool.  :/  Yep - you got the picture.
Who would have thought that in order to stay in affordable housing such as a "modular home", you have to spend over $400 per month for lot rent.  Wow - and in some places it is like being in a camping park.  No way!

Who would have thought that by moving a chair from one side of the deck to the opposite my view would improve this much!  
Not the most awesome picture but in person it is.  Instead of looking at a fence and other rooftops, I now could view Badger Mountain!  

Who would have thought that we would look for a house that is a fixer upper and start this process over again.  We met with a realtor on Wednesday, looked at two houses on Saturday and put a bid in on one that is in foreclosure.  Yup - actually asked God for this to work out.

But let me back up a bit.  If you remember I talked about in my last blog that I could have said no to this move, this adventure - but instead we said yes.  We totally felt God directing us on this move.  Well, guess what?  Yep, I faltered again.  After looking at houses, finding out that we couldn't afford the lot rent in the parks, I doubted.  For the first time I thought we made a mistake in leaving Spencer, in leaving the house we had done so much work on.  Because I figured we wouldn't be able to afford much of anything, wouldn't be able to have the few things we really wanted.  I asked God why?  What should we do?  

The next morning when I woke up I felt at peace.  It's not a magic potion or formula - but it is God at work in one of His children, one of His imperfect growing children.  He reminded me that when we were preparing to move, people would ask me if I would have a hard time leaving my house in Spencer after doing so much work on it.  I honestly could and still do answer with "Yes, it is a house.  Home is what we make of it where ever we live."  But God needed to remind me of that.

Who would have thought that God asked me what it was I wanted?  So I prayed for a place that had outdoor living space (patio or deck), a kitchen I could work in, room for family to come, and a tub to relax in and ease my joints.  Know what?  I felt God asking me why not take a house that we could afford and do those things to it?  

14 And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.  1 John 5:14New Living Translation (NLT)

Yes, God hears, he answers in ways that will please Him. He is not Santa that we give our wish list to. That is not pleasing to Him. I do not claim to have all the answers but I have learned that we can ask for things in His will. I believe that when we are focused on Him, living according to His plan, following His desires - they become our desires.  We won't seek things that are "out of alignment" with God.  

So...... in a couple of days we will know if our low ball bid is accepted or if we go back with a counter offer.  That's o.k.  Remember - God's got this.  :)  It is a home in foreclosure and it needs work, but that way we can make it our own.

And ....  Who would have thought that someone like me would be writing a blog and having so many reading it.  This past week I had an email from someone touching base with us and appreciating the blog.  And I had a message from someone that felt like God was speaking to her through my writings.  It is so awesome to be used!  Remember if something I write speaks out to you - it is God using me.  But I think that is awesome and I want to hear from you!  

So, ask, listen, follow and serve!  And you too will be saying, "Who would have thought?"

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