Monday, January 25, 2016

I Did Not See That Coming!

Yup, that's what I'm feeling right now - I Did Not See That Coming!

This is not what I planned on writing about today, but after the way my day went - here I am.
Brief recap, 6 months ago we left our home of 35 years, our church, our jobs, our family and friends.  We packed up and moved 1500 miles across country to a place we had never seen before, doing what we had never put on our radar before.  And yes, you could say - I did not see that coming.  And probably many that knew us did say that.

With that comes many things you need to do - find a place to live, job, new insurance provider, new church, new grocery store to shop in, new bank.  All of those we have completed and not without some bumps in the road.  Next on the list to find was a new physician.  Not a task I was looking forward to when I had the same physician my entire adult life (with the exception of the last 8 months) and one that I had total confidence in and a christian.  

Today I had the opportunity, after securing an appointment with someone I had selected two months ago, to meet who would hopefully fill that spot.  After only a few minutes in the examining room I immediately realized I had made the correct decision.  The medical assistant that began all the file work on getting my information and medical history was amazing.  She was encouraging, patient and compassionate.  Even when the tears came.  Yup - didn't see that coming, the tears I mean.  Then the doctor came in.  Again - amazing woman who was so understanding and encouraging.  While there and doing the initial "work up" my blood pressure was taken.  Now I have always had low blood pressure, something passed down from my mom, and quite proud of the fact.  Not now - it read 162/120.  You got it - I Did Not See That Coming!  It really put a scare in me.  This led to having an EKG.  The good news of the day is that my lungs were clear and according to the EKG - my heart looked beautiful.  That is what the doctor said. :)  Ended up being there for 2 hours.  I will have blood work on Wednesday for the usual and some extra, back on Friday to see how the meds are working and possibly start a sleep med.  Guess what?  Not sleeping well is not good for your health either.  I just figured it was my way of life now.  I will be seeing a rheumatologist for my psoriatric arthritis as well.  Yup, lots going on but she assured me that they would help me feel better and in a few months hopefully feel great.   As usual, I found my sense of humor and said I was good to ensure the medical field stayed busy.  

Wow - not what I planned on when the day began.  I certainly did not see that coming, but I guess that is better that way sometimes.  I will continue to trust that God has got this.  Even when some things in our life right now seem hopeless I know that our true hope lies with Him.  I don't know how everything will turn out but what I look forward to is how God will use this for His glory.  He never promised us that we would have smooth sailing when we follow Him, but He has promised us that we will never go it alone.  I know many of you feel and believe the same.  And many of you are dealing with things as well that seem hopeless.  

Keep your Hope in Him!!!

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