Friday, January 15, 2016

Meet the Parents!

After nearly 6 months of living in the state of Washington I made my first trip back to Iowa.  Let me say one of hardest things of this trip has been that I could not go to Spencer to see many friends as time did not allow.

It is sort of ironic as well that my first trip back is hitting a super cold spell again in two days, but at least I am "way down south" and will not have what they will experience back in Spencer.  20 - 30 and even some 40 below wind chills.  Sorry Northwest Iowa, that I am not missing. :)

I was thrilled to be greeted at the airport by our daughter Emily and our nearly 2 year old grand daughter Lyla.  When she spotted me, she grinned, giggled and ran to me.  Couldn't have been happier.  Then that evening I was the recipient of a huge bear hug from our son, Timothy.  The cold is worth it.  ;)

Timothy got engaged in December and we had yet to meet his fiancée, Amanda, except through skype and text.  That also was worth the cold.  She is wonderful and they are SOOOO happy together.  

Today was filled with anticipation as I was to get to meet Amanda's parents at their house and we were to have supper there.  The vision of the movie "Meet the Parents" kept coming to mind.  But it wasn't Timothy meeting his future in laws for the first time, it was me, the groom's mom.  So I could see things going wrong for me as they had for Greg in the movie.

It is different not living close by through this next step in his life, different being the mom of the groom (we've done it with two daughters), and well........ just different.

Thankfully I don't think I did or said anything to embarrass myself, I tried not to ask too many questions and tried to listen.  They are a wonderful family, they have graciously opened their home and their family to accepting our son.  It will be great to see what God has in store for Timothy and Amanda.  

In two days Lyla turns 2.  Last year at this time we were in Michigan with my husband's mom as she was nearing the end of her life here on earth.  We missed Lyla's first birthday and I am thrilled I have the chance to be here for this one.  Emily has some fun food and things planned for the day.  Then the next day I return to Washington.  Yes, it will be hard to say good bye.  But it will be great to return home to my family there as well.  And of course the warmer weather doesn't hurt either.

I'm sure there will be more to share in the future.  If you have a place to be or people to meet, do what we all should do:  Remember we are created by God and through Him we are beautiful and exactly who we are to be.  

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