Tuesday, January 19, 2016


So yesterday I traveled 1538  miles and according to mapquest if I would drive it would take me 22 hours and 46 minutes.  Well, I did choose the wiser and quicker way of travel - flying and it took  me 9 hours and 29 minutes.  That includes drive, airport wait and actual flying time.
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m28!1m12!1m3!1d25033510.074462175!2d-97.31412707181276!3d40.01183379719016!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m13!3e6!4m5!1s0x8794e930895d2997%3A0x9172b5120559eb12!2sFarragut%2C+IA!3m2!1d40.7208593!2d-95.4808047!4m5!1s0x54987ab30421b153%3A0x669267b6125d3ef1!2sRichland%2C+WA!3m2!1d46.285690699999996!2d-119.2844621!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1453253409723" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I know many if not most of you have flown and probably have some great stories.  Nothing super fantastic happened, but here are a few observances I had.  

1.  A  policeman/security roaming the outdoors area of the Omaha airport was looking for someone to scold. He chose me.  Well to be fare, probably would have included our daughter Emily but she dashed inside to use the facilities before starting to Farragut. We didn't pull in correctly to unload, stopped in "traffic"  (not), etc.  Unfortunately I then left with tears of frustration in my eyes.  I had a "speech" all prepared to share with Emily for our farewell and . . . . .   not happening.

2.  I like kids and it seems they like me too.  ;)  There was a young couple waiting to board with a child that appeared to be around 10 months.  He kept looking my way, I would smile and he would grin every time.  YAY!! :)  It so happened that we sat across from each other on the plane as well.  When we landed I let the mom know that her child was a great traveler.  I decided several years ago that when I see someone doing well, I will let them know.  To counteract all the negativity people like to share.

3.  When you sit by the window, you tend to look out often. I sat by the wing on each flight and would often look out.  Now understand it was dark the entire time I was flying, so what did I expect to see?  Hopefully not something out of the Twilight Zone.

4.  Flying is a way of life for some people.  I sat by some of several that were on the second flight that had attended a softball tournament in Vegas over the weekend.  These were high school girls, doing homework on the plane.  Can't imagine having money to do that.

5.  When you are sitting by that wing and the pilot comes on to say, "We are at the end of the runway ready for take off but we are going to take a moment to let these guys do what they do very well, de-ice the wings."  When I look out the window there is a boom up high looming over the wing with a small compartment at the end of it and a guy inside controlling this large hose spraying the wings.  Several things flash through your brain.  Enough said.

6.  And finally, no matter how many times you fly - it is awesome to return home with someone waiting to give you a big hug.  That doesn't get old.  Pretty great to go inside your house and have your pet shower you with kisses as well.  

It was a great trip, all went well, and it is good to be home - my new home.  Yes it was hard to say good bye, to know that I can't always be there for events, milestones, etc.  But I continue to believe that we are where God wants us to be and we will continue to go about our lives and see what He wants us to do.  

Share a smile today.

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