Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hoolie Hoops!

Hoolie Hoops!  Yes, that's right, I said hoolie hoops.  A few weeks ago Aaron came home with a surprise for the girls - new Hoola Hoops.  They had fun trying to get them to work.  But in the end, the most fun they had was having someone hold them and then they would take turns jumping through them.  And in Eden's words, they are Hoolie Hoops.

Well, the last couple of weeks for me have felt like I have needed to jump through hoolie hoops, but I wouldn't call it fun.  In some ways I was prepared for this move - but in other ways I was not.  

I was not prepared for the endless questions and paper work required to obtain health insurance through Obama care, to obtain a new home loan, to purchase a car with a loan, to apply for a new job, and to go through filing a claim due to the fact we were scammed.

And yes at times it has felt like those hoolie hoops are lined with sharp teeth.  I feel like I have been bitten, gnawed on, and even spit out.

Yes, I still believe God has got this.  When we were scammed the thing that bothered me the most was that I felt like I was following God's lead and things went bad.  I believed I had failed.  God has since reminded me that we live in this imperfect world.  He is perfect, but I am not and this world certainly is not.  I do believe He can take all of this and use it for His good.  I have asked Him for exactly that.  Why do I have to go through all of this?  Why not?  Why should things flow smoothly for me?  Why should I have the insight to see the truth in all and through all?  The truth is - I shouldn't.  If we as Christians could see where every road was taking us . . . . well - you can see how messed up that would get. :)

The great thing is God can use the situation to glorify Himself, He can use us to be molded into the beautiful sculpture He desires, He can turn anything to good.  A good friend reminded me of this today, just as I had told her these words over a year ago.

The other day after I dropped Eden off at preschool I traveled West to soon turn North on Keene so I could travel to York Food Market to pick up a few things.  Well, I was daydreaming and realized I missed my turn.  I figured I would just keep going and see where I would end up.  Well, as you can see below - it turned into something beautiful.  The view was amazing and glad I was able to experience it.

I was reminded about being patient and trusting in the truth these past couple of days when I needed to take a drug test for my new job.  It showed a faint line for positive for opiates.  Not going to lie, my anxiety shot up pretty high.  Of course I have not used any illegal drug - but all kinds of things run through your mind.  I even struggled with "out putting" enough into the cup for the second test.  ;)

I recently posted on Facebook how I was feeling and being honest with the struggle.  Here it is:  "I am a Christian. I believe God is in control. I believe He's got this. But, sometimes my imperfect human side seeps through and frustration happens, tears fall, and I can't see through the fog. Just sayin'"  Several people have liked, commented and even a few have re-posted it.  I'm not alone.  People do understand and as God tells us in Galations 6 - "Share each others burdens and in this way you are fulfilling the law of Christ"  

Thanks for listening, for letting me share, for prayers.  Know that it works both ways.  We are here for each other in this imperfect world.  Every day and through those hoolie hoops.  Take care and continue to serve Him together.


  1. Jean, thank you for sharing with all of us your journey. I love reading your posts and imagine myself right beside you. Your right, Gods got this and we must follow with our hearts. Your writings are so interesting. I have shared with some of my friends and even them not knowing you, we all find comfort in your words. Continue with your journey and know you not only have God with you, but we are all there in spirit. Love ya My Friend and Sister in Christian Faith

    1. Thank you Shelly for your encouragement, affirmation and support. So good to connect with you again after all these years. May our paths cross in person someday.

  2. Jean, thank you for sharing with all of us your journey. I love reading your posts and imagine myself right beside you. Your right, Gods got this and we must follow with our hearts. Your writings are so interesting. I have shared with some of my friends and even them not knowing you, we all find comfort in your words. Continue with your journey and know you not only have God with you, but we are all there in spirit. Love ya My Friend and Sister in Christian Faith
