Thursday, October 8, 2015

Meeting great people!

Today is October 8, 2015.  It's 4 p.m. and I'm sitting outside on the deck writing this.  Gotta love it.  We are just 2 days shy of it being 10 weeks ago when we left Spencer.  When I look back at all that has occurred:  traveled 1500 miles through 7 states, spent 3 weeks in a hotel and 6+ weeks here at Amy and Aaron's, scammed out of $3000, Phil began his new job and today I interviewed for a part time job.  A lot has happened on this adventure.  
A little more about today's interview.  Great couple of gals, felt very comfortable, at home..... and as I was leaving - got to talking and found some common ground in an area and the possibility of even a different position for me.  God is so good!  More on that when I find out.  But met some great people.

Looking at a second vehicle - which led to the scam - but now we are looking at cars we can touch and see :)  Will need this before I can start a job.  The car dealer we went to is a family owned business, great ethics, and morals.  Met some more great people.

Was determined to stay on the phone until I talked to a live person today with our pay pal my cash claim.  After nearly 60 minutes I was successful!!!!!!  And great person, well seemed so anyway, kind, empathetic, etc.  Didn't blow me off.  So now we wait and see.  At least I have done all I can on this end.  And once I talked to someone, met a nice person.

Next week I have a coffee date with someone on staff at the church we are attending.  
I just know this will be another one to add to the list of great people I have met.  

While standing in line at the check out for groceries, I have had some great conversations with employees there.  The realtor, the mortgage officer, and the inspector for our house have been great people and have add fun conversations.  

I can't wait to see who else comes across my path on this journey.  They are not replacing any previous person I have met or cared for in the past, but adding to the list - increasing the family.  

Speaking of family, there are times when the miles seems greater than what I can handle.  This is especially true during milestones that occur, problems that arise, or simply the ache that tugs at my heart.  But I am praying that God uses this as well.  

So, my prayers recently have been for God to use the situation and me to fulfill His will, to do His work, to better the world.  I trust that He will, but the really exciting thing will be when I recognize it and can celebrate that.

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