Monday, October 19, 2015

So much to say . . .

So much to say and so little time.  Not really, but I do have a lot to share but won't do it all today.

Update - I had my coffee date with a gal that is on the staff at the church we have been attending.  It was great, no problem finding things to talk about and our lives are very parallel.  Amazing how God brings people in your life.

When our kids were younger and we would be on the road to somewhere (could even be just an afternoon drive) we would jest because every time we would pass a sign saying "Historical Marker" our daughter Emily would want to stop.  We did find some interesting things and sometimes it would simply be a large rock marking the spot.  Well, when we were on our excursion Saturday, we noticed that here in Washington they are called Heritage Markers.  No, we didn't turn to look at any of them, but maybe we should.  The name makes them seem a little classier somehow.  :)

So Saturday we traveled to see our first waterfall of Washington.  It was an interesting drive.

And then the lat bit that w drove down - 
was complete with a cattle guard.  

And then we parked and walked a short distance to the edge and wow - 

Beautiful Palouse Falls.   It was worth the trip (only 75 miles from us).  I also found it interesting that in one direction we see the constant fall of the water that is fast moving as it falls and the other direction we see 

a calm shallow stream.  

We took a different way home and you should always be aware of your surroundings or you might miss something interesting.  We traveled through a small town of 1200, Waitsburg WA, and on the way out of town, on the left side at a small pasture we spotted a miniature donkey, some horses and . . . 

Izzy the camel!  Huh, didn't see that coming.

A short distance down the road we went through Starbuck WA.  It is a town of a little over 200.  Since Starbucks began in Seattle WA, I thought I would look up the town info.  FYI, in case you didn't know, Starbucks coffee was named after a character in Moby Dick and the town of Starbuck is named after a man of that name who was big in the railroad in its day.    Huh, didn't see that coming either.  One has nothing to do with the other.

Well, then it was Sunday.  Had a great day of worship followed by lunch.  And for all those that remember by Sunday lunches in Iowa, I was used to having to do much in little time and found myself with a Sunday meal ready at 11:00 a.m.  Whoops, guess I can slow down.  I bet you didn't see that one coming.  

Then later in the afternoon. we tackled the next hike on the list.  Remember we are working our way down alphabetically.  Well, that means we are at Badger Mountain.  I wasn't sure if we should do this yet, but o.k.  Go for it.  
Abby was excited and Phil was my encourager.  Believe me, there was more than one time that I wanted to quit and return to the bottom.  But Phil told me to break when I needed it and go on.  With being overweight and having asthma my heart would do the dash and my lungs were gasping for air.  

The path was not wide and most of the time one side had a steep drop off so whenever we met someone - I stopped.  No I wasn't in danger, but I felt better waiting till they passed.  :)

I'm sure it took us twice as long at least as most people, but we made it to the top!!!!

The view was amazing and so worth it to complete it.  We could see for miles.  Yes, I would do it again.  But maybe not this week.  ;)

I have more to share but it will wait till next time.  What ever path you are on right now, keep you eyes open so you don't miss what God has placed beside you, take it one step at a time, celebrate the mountain tops.  

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