Tuesday, October 6, 2015

In the desert

Sunday I decided to experience another hiking trail.  Couldn't decide where to start with so many of them here, so I started at the beginning of the list which is in alphabetical order.  Amon Creek Trail.  I knew I should take Phil with me and after reading a description of the trail, even more so.  Rattle snakes have been sited on this trail in the summer.  Now I know it is now October, but it was a warm sunny day, so......

Much of the way, I had Phil and Abby out front.  :)

It was completely still, you could hear anything moving - fortunately we did not see anything except birds. 

Who would have thought sagebrush could be so beautiful.  And I always find it so interesting how much growth there is in dry, sandy soil.  

The beauty of fall is definitely evident!  Well, the research said the hike would be 1.6 miles.  When we completed the walk, my pedometer said 2.15 miles.  The trail was not marked out with signage, There were spots where we had a choice of direction.  We obviously took the long way. :)  

And I found it interesting that when we completed the hike, we came by the sign giving information about the trail, etc.  Notice the distance from where we were walking and no path to get to it.  We'll see what the next one brings.

So, back to my previous post about being scammed.  Of course this is an awful thing to go through in so many ways, but the part that was and is bothering me the most is that my faith was compromised.  I don't believe God caused this, but I did ask right away to make something good come from it.    I am not upset at God, but at myself.  I believed I was listening to Him, guided by Him.  But I also know that Satan knows our weaknesses and is good at striking there.  Well, he has shaken my faith - but I am asking God to help me restore it.  Martha was shaken when Jesus didn't come to heal Lazarus when asked.  Lazarus died and then God, through Jesus, did something even more amazing.  I'm not expecting anything this glorious, but I believe that God will bring us through this.  God is greater than any evil and will overcome.  Unfortunately in this world, there is much crud we have to go through.  Feeling like the rough dry terrain that we see on our hikes, but looking forward to the refreshing rain.  

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