Sunday, August 30, 2015

Who would have thought ......

I know, I know.... it's been awhile since I have posted.  Well, we moved in, had no Internet for over a week.....  yada yada yada.
But I'm back!!!!  I've missed "talking" to all of you.
FYI - if you want to reply or send a message, use

Well, yes - who would have thought that when we said yes to this journey, this new adventure that we would spend that many nights in a hotel.  Well, God did.
Who would have thought that when we said yes we would experience some of the things we have - like the dust storms that occur when it does get windy here.
Yes, it looks like when we would have windy, snowy days in Iowa.  And just imagine what the inside of your house looks like if you have no A/C and have the windows open to try to stay cool.  :/  Yep - you got the picture.
Who would have thought that in order to stay in affordable housing such as a "modular home", you have to spend over $400 per month for lot rent.  Wow - and in some places it is like being in a camping park.  No way!

Who would have thought that by moving a chair from one side of the deck to the opposite my view would improve this much!  
Not the most awesome picture but in person it is.  Instead of looking at a fence and other rooftops, I now could view Badger Mountain!  

Who would have thought that we would look for a house that is a fixer upper and start this process over again.  We met with a realtor on Wednesday, looked at two houses on Saturday and put a bid in on one that is in foreclosure.  Yup - actually asked God for this to work out.

But let me back up a bit.  If you remember I talked about in my last blog that I could have said no to this move, this adventure - but instead we said yes.  We totally felt God directing us on this move.  Well, guess what?  Yep, I faltered again.  After looking at houses, finding out that we couldn't afford the lot rent in the parks, I doubted.  For the first time I thought we made a mistake in leaving Spencer, in leaving the house we had done so much work on.  Because I figured we wouldn't be able to afford much of anything, wouldn't be able to have the few things we really wanted.  I asked God why?  What should we do?  

The next morning when I woke up I felt at peace.  It's not a magic potion or formula - but it is God at work in one of His children, one of His imperfect growing children.  He reminded me that when we were preparing to move, people would ask me if I would have a hard time leaving my house in Spencer after doing so much work on it.  I honestly could and still do answer with "Yes, it is a house.  Home is what we make of it where ever we live."  But God needed to remind me of that.

Who would have thought that God asked me what it was I wanted?  So I prayed for a place that had outdoor living space (patio or deck), a kitchen I could work in, room for family to come, and a tub to relax in and ease my joints.  Know what?  I felt God asking me why not take a house that we could afford and do those things to it?  

14 And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.  1 John 5:14New Living Translation (NLT)

Yes, God hears, he answers in ways that will please Him. He is not Santa that we give our wish list to. That is not pleasing to Him. I do not claim to have all the answers but I have learned that we can ask for things in His will. I believe that when we are focused on Him, living according to His plan, following His desires - they become our desires.  We won't seek things that are "out of alignment" with God.  

So...... in a couple of days we will know if our low ball bid is accepted or if we go back with a counter offer.  That's o.k.  Remember - God's got this.  :)  It is a home in foreclosure and it needs work, but that way we can make it our own.

And ....  Who would have thought that someone like me would be writing a blog and having so many reading it.  This past week I had an email from someone touching base with us and appreciating the blog.  And I had a message from someone that felt like God was speaking to her through my writings.  It is so awesome to be used!  Remember if something I write speaks out to you - it is God using me.  But I think that is awesome and I want to hear from you!  

So, ask, listen, follow and serve!  And you too will be saying, "Who would have thought?"

Sunday, August 23, 2015


It has been awhile.  Much has happened.  On Wednesday we packed up and left the hotel by Noon.  We proceeded to run through a drive up for lunch and then to a park with 3 adults, 3 children and 2 dogs.  ;/  We were still waiting for the keys to enter the house.  While waiting, Phil and I decided to run to the bank and open an account.  Yes, we are residents now in the fact we have a post office box and a bank account.  :)  When returning to the park, I noticed that Aaron had a flat tire.  It was over 100 degrees that day.  Ugh....  Around 3 or so the phone call came through and the keys were available.  Yippee!!!!!  Yes, after 25 nights spent in a hotel (this includes the 3 traveling out here) we are in a home.  Amy and Aaron's home.  As for a house - it is big and will be great for their family with a large deck and huge back yard.  For now?  Well it was a foreclosure so they knew there would be some things to deal with.  Unfortunately the two main ones right now are not a/c and the drains aren't working well.  So you adapt until the plumber comes and we use lots of box fans.  It cools down at night and that is wonderful.  I said Amy & Aaron's home because that is what they have already made it.  We feel welcome her and have our own space.  

But don't worry - as soon as we find affordable housing we will move on.  

The good news?  Phil begins his new job tomorrow!  :)  He will be in charge of retread tires and some sales.  Excited!!!!
Pasco Tire Factory
We attended the same church  today and shared in communion.  It felt like home.  Great message and time of worship.  God will let us know if that is where we are to stay.  
The people here in the Tri Cities are friendly, helpful and polite.  We've noticed it with walking, shopping, and driving.  No road rage or impatience.  
The fires are of great concern to many.  Thousands of acres destroyed and sad to say 3 firefighters have lost their lives.  We are not in danger here but do smell the smoke and have the haze.  We have air quality alerts on our weather apps.  
The day Phil was offered his job, instead of being elated - I fell into a panic of sorts and definitely filled with anxiety.  I feared not being able to "make it".  Now there are phobia classifications for everything and I am not looking for a diagnosis - but if you want to give it a name it would be "Peniaphobia".  The fear of not being able to pay for things.  So when the reality of is income, the fact that we have 90 more days till insurance and we have to pay for my prescriptions, a checking account that is diminishing and yet there were still bills...  It is so easy to pull out a credit card and move on.  We did that for an extended time earlier in our marriage when we had no cash for groceries, etc.  Results?  We are still paying it off.  If nothing else I want you to learn this - don't do it!!!  I could see no other way and yet I was not fully relying on god to handle it.  Fear paralyzes us.  While my body was not immobile - my clear thinking was.
I could have said no to this move.  I could have stayed safe in Spencer in my remodeled home and familiar surroundings, but I put that in God's hands.  I allowed my faith to propel me forward and just like that I need to do so now.  He's got this and whatever fear you may be dealing with - He's got that too!  If we allow the fear to be in control then we are not allowing God to do His work through us.  Thank you for allowing me to share.  It keeps me focused and reminds me 
" Don't be afraid, for 
    I am with you.
  Don't be discouraged,
    for I am your God.
  I will strengthen you
    and help you
  I will hold you up
    with my victorious right hand."
          Isaiah 41:10  (NLT)


Monday, August 17, 2015

So it goes . . . .

Today is Everitt's 2nd birthday the 3rd one we have celebrated here in the hotel.  Amy's was yesterday.  We grilled steaks, had corn on the cob, zucchini, cantaloupe, garlic bread sticks and ice cream cake.  Tonight will be more kid friendly with tacos or quesadillas with watermelon and cupcakes.  Maybe I should make a cookbook for how to make home cooked meals in a hotel.  hahaha    You know you've been staying in a hotel too long when your frig looks like this.
Hopefully only a few more days.  :)
Friday we had the first of infrequent bad weather here.  We had a dust/sand storm.  I added sand because they don't have what we know in Iowa as dirt.  Even created a few accidents and what they call tree damage. (We saw a limb broke)  
Another change we have noticed is instead of seeing signs to direct you downtown, they direct you to the city center.   We went to a large garage sale in the expo center near us and saw a few pairs of snow ski's and boots.  Didn't usually find them in Iowa.  And yesterday at church the music was led by a volunteer Blue Grass Band.  That was fun.
My highlight of the day though was a phone conversation with our son.  Was great to talk to him, was a great conversation and yet I cried.  I love it here - but really miss family and friends.  So thankful for texts, emails and yes - facebook.  You know, I do believe God has this and wrote about that in my last post - BUT I am not perfect.  Satan knows my weaknesses and loves to use them to try to break me.  Right after I wrote that blog, we were all in the room and chatter was going on about their jobs, people they have spoken with etc.  I broke - feeling alone with no job, having not met anyone, feeling no purpose.  OK  OK  I know in my brain that's not true, but at times the brain and the heart do not work as one.  There are many verses in the bible to remind us and instruct us about God's purpose for us.  But the one that jumped out at me t his morning was this, "Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you."  Job 22:21 NLT  There it is - give it back to God.  The hard part is not picking it back up.  
So Phil and I drive around to look for housing.  yes, they are more expensive here and yet we feel right about being here.  I jokingly said to Phil - "Isn't there someone who wants to gift us a house?"  Well - wherever we settle we will make it a home.  
We will wait, we will trust and we will submit.  No, I am not perfect - far from it.  I write these things as a reminder to me as much as anything.  Until next time - let God use you!  It's fantastic.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

God's Got This

Day 17 of living in this hotel. If you would have told me this would happen - I wouldn't have believed you.  If you would have told me we would survive this without a fight or a break down - I wouldn't have believed that either.  BUT I continue to believe and hang on to the fact that "God's Got This!
You know that He gives us all that we need and wants us to use all that we have to serve Him.  While living in Iowa we began an unofficial ministry, for 20-30 somethings, of serving lunch on Sundays and providing a place for them to hang, to chat, to play games.  It was amazing to see what God did and was doing in their lives. We provided the food and space.  Now in the finance world - we are not "well off" or rich.  In the terms of our house - it was not large or amazing to many.  But again - we used what we had and god said "I Got This".  We never knew how many would come - but there was always food, always a spot to sit (even if it was a spot on the floor.) :)  Phil recently made a list and we have had well over 100 different people come through our door.  We feel blessed.

Yesterday was not only day 16, but my birthday.  I received many well wishes through Face book and a couple via the mail.  You know, I look at birthdays differently now - and not because of the years I have been alive but rather the growth and wisdom I have gained.  When we are toddler's people make a big deal and dote on us.  I'm sure inside our minds we are wondering why??!!!  As we grow a little older and into our teens we want them to dote on us, to shower us with gifts and have fun.  As I became a mom - I wanted a break from the normal routine, of having to cook, to make decisions.  It took some time to get this "through" to my family.  And now?  I want to spend time with those I love and have "fun" doing it.  Why do we do all these things or feel this way?  We want to feel loved, to feel special, to feel like we make a difference in some one's life, the warm fuzzies.  And then I look around at all the people in this world, all the different talent and gifts they have and I realize I am just a speck in a huge "container of particles."  And yet "God's Got This, He's Got Me."  He knows me, everything about me.  That is so mind boggling. !! :)  Deuteronomy 31:6 (NLT) "So be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid and not panic before them.  For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you (me - mamajean).  He will neither fail you (me - mamajean) nor abandon you.  (me - mamajean!)  Woo Hoo!  That's a humongous gift right there :)
Well we began the day with taking the kids to a park.  Due to the spiders and cobwebs (haha) we spent most of the time in the river and on shore with the clean rocks. ;)    

We then brought them back to the hotel so Phil and I could go for lunch just the two of us.  I found a place on line called the "Cow, Chicken & Pig B-B-Que".  Sounded wonderful but when we arrived there was no sign of any such place so we returned to a restaurant, near our hotel, called "Cousins".  When we approached the door we were greeted by the sounds of a chicken, cow, and pig (and even a sheep.  It was good.  Went back to retrieve the girls so Aaron and Everitt could take a nap.  Aaron needs this due to the fact that he goes to work at 3:30 a.m.  
Phil, the girls and myself traveled south to the site of the McNary Dam, just inside the borders of Oregon.  There we learned all about the life of Salmon and viewed the beauty of the water rushing through the openings of the dam.  

Tried to photograph the girls with a scenic background.  Lesson learnt?  Don't try this in the height of the summer sun.  Interesting results.

 We traveled down and back by two different routes.  The terrain changes with every few miles you travel.  And all is beautiful, even the many shades of brown in an arid land.

I always avoided brown but in the last 10 years began using it in my decorating, even in my wardrobe.  I guess God was preparing me to see the beauty.  

On a side note I have noticed that there was a great love for the letters "L" and "A".  here's why I say that - the dam is located near the town of UmAtiLLA, from there you can travel to the towns of WALLuLA, AttALiA, and WALLA WALLA.  (Now don't blow my fun, I know there are Native America reasons for this)  :)  Walla Walla - what a fun name to say and now I live very near it!  A story for another day.  
We all attended the Minor League Baseball game of the Tri-Cities dust Devils vs. Boise Hawks.  the Dust Devils mascot "Dusty" was celebrating his birthday too.  Don't worry - I stayed out of his limelight.  ;)  Also yes - it was hot - 100 degrees at 6 p.m.  Also yes - it is a dry heat.  It really is easier to tolerate but I will admit that during the game I had "trickles" where nobody wants trickles.  Enough said.  

And with that, I have said enough for now.  It continues to amaze me how many views I continue to get.  i don't know who all is reading or if you would continue to read so feel free to comment or p.m. me.  Continue to follow Him and serve Him.    

Sunday, August 9, 2015


We have walked and driven a few more steps on our adventure.  We have made more discoveries.  When driving to look at a house, I stepped out of the vehicle and immediately was met with a loud "squawk!"  My immediate reaction was to duck.  I went to the other side of the vehicle but when I came back, another "Squawk!"  I searched visually in the tree and found two large parrots!  Always something new to discover. 
On Friday morning we ventured out to the Richland Farmer's Market.  What fun!  In addition to the great fruit & veggies, the flowers & canned goods - you could enjoy tasty treats, listen to music and shop the tents of great crafters and artists.  Great discovery of more fun.  
When living in an extended stay motel, you find ways to cook with little tools/pans.  We have discovered how useful a small grill and our electric roaster can be.
Phil has been our official grill chef.  He takes a folding deck chair down and stays the duration.  What a guy! :)
Phil also discovered a storage shed auction that was to be held on Saturday (yesterday).  So we went (and kept our hands in our pockets).  We drove up not knowing what to expect, hoping to just stand on the sidelines and observe.  Well that was not easy with only 6 vehicles and around 10 people present.  Like T.V., we were allowed to enter the premises at the allotted time and all walked to the first unit.  The padlock was cut off and we were allowed to walk up to the locker and look "in".  Then bids were taken and the contents sold.  No arguing, but a little fun bantering between a few that were obviously familiar with each other.  Now me, being who I am, began to wonder about the owners, the people that put the contents there.  Were they still around?  What happened to them?  Just so you know - if something happens, everything we own is currently in a storage shed on N Steptoe in Richland WA.  There, I feel better.  Don't let it go to strangers :)
I also have discovered a few signs that I am not used to seeing.  They made me chuckle.  At the large sports complex near our hotel, they have been advertising the upcoming "1st Annual Health & Hemp Expo".  O.K........  And then yesterday we parked near a building that on the side advertised Accelerated Hypnosis.  Right below it was a smaller sign for 30 minute parking.  (Hahahahaha)
Yes this is an adventure and we are making discoveries, some unusual.  But today being Sunday, we ventured to another new church for us.  We left feeling filled, welcomed, and like (maybe) we were home.  Was it perfect?  No.  Not expecting it to be.  But it did have many pluses.  They also are involved with much outreach and when the director of local outreach got up to talk about a local event coming up that 41 churches are involved in - I so wanted to jump up, volunteer, and talk to them more about what they do.  BUT - that small voice inside reminded me that I need to take some more time to "be".  Of course I also observed their Tech team and thought - "Good Job!"  The kids were welcomed and well cared for.  
I recently read a quote by Christine Caine that says this - "The church does not exist to satisfy each and every one of our selfish pursuits and ambitions, but rather it is a place where we can serve the needs of others."    I would add to that, "A place to come together to praise, worship and thank God as a community."  Hope church is that and this morning I felt like we were at another church that believes that as well.  Enjoy the beginning of another week that you have been blessed with.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hum Drum

Yesterday Phil and I did some more exploring.  We went to our storage unit and Phil gave another drink to our raspberry plants.  They are doing surprisingly well.  We wanted to bring some with us because these raspberries began in Michigan, then near Every, then our yard in Spencer.  Now they will find a new home here in Richland WA.  Of all the flowers I tried to bring, the new start from my climbing rose bush I believe is going to make it.  This was  start from the climbing rose bush on the farm I grew up on.  Some traditions must continue.  Most of the potted flowers became "toast" in the car. :-( My herbs are doing well and looking forward to cooking with them.
We drove in the hills or what is called Rattlesnake Mountains.  Saw several orchards and vineyards.  Just the other night we saw one featured on Tiny Houses.
We also took Abby to the dog park.  You could tell she was the newby there.
She stayed right by us unless we walked or played with her.

She had a chance finally to run with no leash, but didn't.  Silly dog.  ;-) 
I started to write some of the many thank you's that I need to do but the leakage that kept running down my cheek just wouldn't stop.  So.... If you are sitting by your mailbox looking for this - "get a life".  (Love ya)
Oh, and FYI - I am typing this on my tablet and as you can see it has switched to centered text instead of being justified on the left.  It won't let me change.  Oh well.
Today we revisited the farmers market and restocked our fresh fruits and veggies.  Yummmmm
My new favorite is the doughnut peach.

So juicy and full of flavor!
Tonight we are celebrating Hump Day with a picnic at the park.  We went to an amazing place.  Of course every park I have been to here is wonderful but this one I describe as fulfilling every kids dream.  (Including mine)
A shallow pool with sprinkler in the center. - 
Beautiful views

Relaxing place to watch boats, paddle boarders, jet skis, etc.

A zip line swing (I so want this in my back yard and put my hammock swing on it :))

They even have a mud pit to play in.  What more could you ask for?!

Well in many ways this seems like a bunch of trivial things, doesn't it?  Sorry, but this our current "norm".  
Hard to believe since leaving Spencer we have spent 11 nights in hotels.  Sounds fun?  Be careful what you wish for.
Boji agrees.  ;)
Well, I did notice that when we were passing the vineyards, each row of grape vines is of course attached to wires that are supported by wooden poles and these are supported by short ones connected by a cable.  Not especially new to many of you, but what really spoke to me about this is that no matter the age of the grape vines, the size, the type - this was the case.  And just like that, as Christians, as humans - no matter what our age, our background, our status, etc. we need support - we need help to grow, to stand tall.  We can't do this adventure alone, you can't do what you are led to do alone.  We will be here for you in prayer and support and ask that you do the same for us.  Until next time - enjoy the ride. :0

Monday, August 3, 2015


Yesterday was our first Sunday here in the Tri Cities.  We attended a worship service and immediately my brain was observing several things in and  during the service.  As someone that has had responsibilities the past 14 years during our worship, I found it against my nature to just "be" - to fully worship.  I was observing all the things it was not (in comparison to Hope Church.)  I know there is nothing wrong with different.  But when you have something that is very comfortable and fits well, you don't want to change.  I am praying that God will lead us to just the right place.  In the afternoon, we drove around to look at different homes for sale and different neighborhoods.  One of the first things I observed was that electric and telephone lines are above ground here.  A distraction to nature when you are used to them being buried.   Another observance is that sprinkler systems are a way of life - literally.  Nothing grows without them, your lawn, pastures, fields, etc.  And here is one that was very evident shortly after we began our drive - Phil and I are technology opposites.  I love technology, learning new things, working with new gadgets.  So.... I couldn't understand why you wouldn't just use GPS and let it direct you, Phil does not want anything to do with that and would just as soon not have it around.  That's o.k. too.  But when I enjoy something, it is hard to understand why someone else wouldn't.  Sound familiar?  I have been reminded many times of this when I have had a passion for something and can't get someone to grasp that same passion.  Yes - different is o.k.  (Even in your marriage)  Most likely we will have to purchase a home that is a lower value in order for me to remain a full time grandma.  A home most of you would not - a manufactured home - a double wide.  There!  I said it.!  Now get over the shock.  We won't have the sever winters here so they hold up well, it would be shelter from the elements, a home.  We are still crawling out of debt that has been there for years, we have never been blessed with financial abundance, but we are not on the streets, we are happy and still have been able to serve others.  So what is really important here?  Enough said.  We could build a tiny house, but then we wouldn't have room to host you and others, so we will make sure we have a bed and bedrooms for you to visit.  Timing on this?  More patience and prayers.  Phil had his meeting this a.m. and will wait a week to meet with the general manager.  Wisdom, patience and salary to provide are asked for in prayers.  Also with yesterday being Sunday I thought of all the people that came to our house for lunches.  
I miss seeing you, cooking for you and playing games.  I was able to cook a roast, potatoes, carrots and gravy in an electric roaster.  Not bad for a hotel.  Tonight we are making steaks on our tiny grill to celebrate Amy's first day on the job.  Is great to have this wonderful Seaman Iowa beef! :)  We made sure that made the move.  I purchased some things at Hobby Lobby the other day so we can "craft" each day (the kids and I)  We have our outdoor time too.  Some routine here.  So until next time, continue serving Him where you are and we will then be serving Him together.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Discombobulated, Homeless, New Surroundings

Yes, discombobulated is a real word, I've used it before - but now I'm feeling it.  in the Urban Dictionary the definition is - feeling disconnected or unbalanced.  With all our belongings in
storage and living in a new city and state far from what is familiar - you can see what I mean.  Today we even went searching in the storage unit to find some much needed papers.  On aside note - a little weird when you enter, it looks exactly like those on the reality show "Storage Wars." :)  When the door lifted to reveal our "household", I felt overwhelmed.  But then re-focused on the task at hand.  
With our identity in tack we have secured our new PO Box.  When people here find out we have just relocated and find out that we moved from Iowa the reaction has always been the same - "Why?"  I chuckle.  Like I told Pastor Russell in Spencer - you obey God.
I was able to have a long conversation about this with a check out young man at Walmart the other day.  Hopefully I encouraged him.  You never know how God is going to use you.  
Moving on to HOMELESS.   This came to me the other day as well.  We have settled in "the best we can" to our 1st temporary residence of an extended stay hotel.  It's not "ours," it's not "permanent", we aren't sure for how long.  Yep - I'm homeless.  Goes well with the discombobulated feeling.  Trying ot make a routine - somewhat.  Basically we have 7 people and 2 dogs in 2 rooms.  No space for "your own space".  BUT you do what you can.  Go outside, take walks, etc.  Yesterday I drove around for a couple of hours.  Gave me some time to myself and I got a better feel for the lay out of the cities.  Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11-12 "Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.  I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything.  I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little."  
I am reminded tha tI do have all I need.  There are many in the world who do not.  Am I always content?  NO.  But I am working on that.  
NEW SURROUNDINGS  Here are a few of our new experiences.  Turn arounds - I'm getting the hang of them and they are marked well.  
Temperatures of 104, but feel like 98.  Honestly?  It really is a dry heat and even though in the hottest part of the day I want to be inside, I can stand to sit in the shade.  Don't miss the humidity.
Splash pads  These are awesome and there are several located throughout the cities.  Kids have fun, you don't have ot worry about anyone drowning, and you can even walk near to get cooled off yourself.  (That's Eden and Chloe above.  

Sooo......  discombobulated?  God's got this and we will survive.  Homeless?  Jesus experiencied that and never worried.    (But if anyone wants to buy 1204 3rd Ave W, then Timothy can go through the paper work to buy ours, then we can look here...... that would help)  and new surroundings?  God has long ago given me the strength to ask questions or for help if I'm not sure what to do or where.    
Thanks for following us or going with us on this adventure.  I will continue to keep you updated.  Prayers are asked for patience, paperwork to go through, house selling and buying and Phil meets with hopefully what will be his new employer on Monday morning.  
Till next time.......