Monday, August 17, 2015

So it goes . . . .

Today is Everitt's 2nd birthday the 3rd one we have celebrated here in the hotel.  Amy's was yesterday.  We grilled steaks, had corn on the cob, zucchini, cantaloupe, garlic bread sticks and ice cream cake.  Tonight will be more kid friendly with tacos or quesadillas with watermelon and cupcakes.  Maybe I should make a cookbook for how to make home cooked meals in a hotel.  hahaha    You know you've been staying in a hotel too long when your frig looks like this.
Hopefully only a few more days.  :)
Friday we had the first of infrequent bad weather here.  We had a dust/sand storm.  I added sand because they don't have what we know in Iowa as dirt.  Even created a few accidents and what they call tree damage. (We saw a limb broke)  
Another change we have noticed is instead of seeing signs to direct you downtown, they direct you to the city center.   We went to a large garage sale in the expo center near us and saw a few pairs of snow ski's and boots.  Didn't usually find them in Iowa.  And yesterday at church the music was led by a volunteer Blue Grass Band.  That was fun.
My highlight of the day though was a phone conversation with our son.  Was great to talk to him, was a great conversation and yet I cried.  I love it here - but really miss family and friends.  So thankful for texts, emails and yes - facebook.  You know, I do believe God has this and wrote about that in my last post - BUT I am not perfect.  Satan knows my weaknesses and loves to use them to try to break me.  Right after I wrote that blog, we were all in the room and chatter was going on about their jobs, people they have spoken with etc.  I broke - feeling alone with no job, having not met anyone, feeling no purpose.  OK  OK  I know in my brain that's not true, but at times the brain and the heart do not work as one.  There are many verses in the bible to remind us and instruct us about God's purpose for us.  But the one that jumped out at me t his morning was this, "Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you."  Job 22:21 NLT  There it is - give it back to God.  The hard part is not picking it back up.  
So Phil and I drive around to look for housing.  yes, they are more expensive here and yet we feel right about being here.  I jokingly said to Phil - "Isn't there someone who wants to gift us a house?"  Well - wherever we settle we will make it a home.  
We will wait, we will trust and we will submit.  No, I am not perfect - far from it.  I write these things as a reminder to me as much as anything.  Until next time - let God use you!  It's fantastic.

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