Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hum Drum

Yesterday Phil and I did some more exploring.  We went to our storage unit and Phil gave another drink to our raspberry plants.  They are doing surprisingly well.  We wanted to bring some with us because these raspberries began in Michigan, then near Every, then our yard in Spencer.  Now they will find a new home here in Richland WA.  Of all the flowers I tried to bring, the new start from my climbing rose bush I believe is going to make it.  This was  start from the climbing rose bush on the farm I grew up on.  Some traditions must continue.  Most of the potted flowers became "toast" in the car. :-( My herbs are doing well and looking forward to cooking with them.
We drove in the hills or what is called Rattlesnake Mountains.  Saw several orchards and vineyards.  Just the other night we saw one featured on Tiny Houses.
We also took Abby to the dog park.  You could tell she was the newby there.
She stayed right by us unless we walked or played with her.

She had a chance finally to run with no leash, but didn't.  Silly dog.  ;-) 
I started to write some of the many thank you's that I need to do but the leakage that kept running down my cheek just wouldn't stop.  So.... If you are sitting by your mailbox looking for this - "get a life".  (Love ya)
Oh, and FYI - I am typing this on my tablet and as you can see it has switched to centered text instead of being justified on the left.  It won't let me change.  Oh well.
Today we revisited the farmers market and restocked our fresh fruits and veggies.  Yummmmm
My new favorite is the doughnut peach.

So juicy and full of flavor!
Tonight we are celebrating Hump Day with a picnic at the park.  We went to an amazing place.  Of course every park I have been to here is wonderful but this one I describe as fulfilling every kids dream.  (Including mine)
A shallow pool with sprinkler in the center. - 
Beautiful views

Relaxing place to watch boats, paddle boarders, jet skis, etc.

A zip line swing (I so want this in my back yard and put my hammock swing on it :))

They even have a mud pit to play in.  What more could you ask for?!

Well in many ways this seems like a bunch of trivial things, doesn't it?  Sorry, but this our current "norm".  
Hard to believe since leaving Spencer we have spent 11 nights in hotels.  Sounds fun?  Be careful what you wish for.
Boji agrees.  ;)
Well, I did notice that when we were passing the vineyards, each row of grape vines is of course attached to wires that are supported by wooden poles and these are supported by short ones connected by a cable.  Not especially new to many of you, but what really spoke to me about this is that no matter the age of the grape vines, the size, the type - this was the case.  And just like that, as Christians, as humans - no matter what our age, our background, our status, etc. we need support - we need help to grow, to stand tall.  We can't do this adventure alone, you can't do what you are led to do alone.  We will be here for you in prayer and support and ask that you do the same for us.  Until next time - enjoy the ride. :0

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