Monday, August 3, 2015


Yesterday was our first Sunday here in the Tri Cities.  We attended a worship service and immediately my brain was observing several things in and  during the service.  As someone that has had responsibilities the past 14 years during our worship, I found it against my nature to just "be" - to fully worship.  I was observing all the things it was not (in comparison to Hope Church.)  I know there is nothing wrong with different.  But when you have something that is very comfortable and fits well, you don't want to change.  I am praying that God will lead us to just the right place.  In the afternoon, we drove around to look at different homes for sale and different neighborhoods.  One of the first things I observed was that electric and telephone lines are above ground here.  A distraction to nature when you are used to them being buried.   Another observance is that sprinkler systems are a way of life - literally.  Nothing grows without them, your lawn, pastures, fields, etc.  And here is one that was very evident shortly after we began our drive - Phil and I are technology opposites.  I love technology, learning new things, working with new gadgets.  So.... I couldn't understand why you wouldn't just use GPS and let it direct you, Phil does not want anything to do with that and would just as soon not have it around.  That's o.k. too.  But when I enjoy something, it is hard to understand why someone else wouldn't.  Sound familiar?  I have been reminded many times of this when I have had a passion for something and can't get someone to grasp that same passion.  Yes - different is o.k.  (Even in your marriage)  Most likely we will have to purchase a home that is a lower value in order for me to remain a full time grandma.  A home most of you would not - a manufactured home - a double wide.  There!  I said it.!  Now get over the shock.  We won't have the sever winters here so they hold up well, it would be shelter from the elements, a home.  We are still crawling out of debt that has been there for years, we have never been blessed with financial abundance, but we are not on the streets, we are happy and still have been able to serve others.  So what is really important here?  Enough said.  We could build a tiny house, but then we wouldn't have room to host you and others, so we will make sure we have a bed and bedrooms for you to visit.  Timing on this?  More patience and prayers.  Phil had his meeting this a.m. and will wait a week to meet with the general manager.  Wisdom, patience and salary to provide are asked for in prayers.  Also with yesterday being Sunday I thought of all the people that came to our house for lunches.  
I miss seeing you, cooking for you and playing games.  I was able to cook a roast, potatoes, carrots and gravy in an electric roaster.  Not bad for a hotel.  Tonight we are making steaks on our tiny grill to celebrate Amy's first day on the job.  Is great to have this wonderful Seaman Iowa beef! :)  We made sure that made the move.  I purchased some things at Hobby Lobby the other day so we can "craft" each day (the kids and I)  We have our outdoor time too.  Some routine here.  So until next time, continue serving Him where you are and we will then be serving Him together.

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