Thursday, August 13, 2015

God's Got This

Day 17 of living in this hotel. If you would have told me this would happen - I wouldn't have believed you.  If you would have told me we would survive this without a fight or a break down - I wouldn't have believed that either.  BUT I continue to believe and hang on to the fact that "God's Got This!
You know that He gives us all that we need and wants us to use all that we have to serve Him.  While living in Iowa we began an unofficial ministry, for 20-30 somethings, of serving lunch on Sundays and providing a place for them to hang, to chat, to play games.  It was amazing to see what God did and was doing in their lives. We provided the food and space.  Now in the finance world - we are not "well off" or rich.  In the terms of our house - it was not large or amazing to many.  But again - we used what we had and god said "I Got This".  We never knew how many would come - but there was always food, always a spot to sit (even if it was a spot on the floor.) :)  Phil recently made a list and we have had well over 100 different people come through our door.  We feel blessed.

Yesterday was not only day 16, but my birthday.  I received many well wishes through Face book and a couple via the mail.  You know, I look at birthdays differently now - and not because of the years I have been alive but rather the growth and wisdom I have gained.  When we are toddler's people make a big deal and dote on us.  I'm sure inside our minds we are wondering why??!!!  As we grow a little older and into our teens we want them to dote on us, to shower us with gifts and have fun.  As I became a mom - I wanted a break from the normal routine, of having to cook, to make decisions.  It took some time to get this "through" to my family.  And now?  I want to spend time with those I love and have "fun" doing it.  Why do we do all these things or feel this way?  We want to feel loved, to feel special, to feel like we make a difference in some one's life, the warm fuzzies.  And then I look around at all the people in this world, all the different talent and gifts they have and I realize I am just a speck in a huge "container of particles."  And yet "God's Got This, He's Got Me."  He knows me, everything about me.  That is so mind boggling. !! :)  Deuteronomy 31:6 (NLT) "So be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid and not panic before them.  For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you (me - mamajean).  He will neither fail you (me - mamajean) nor abandon you.  (me - mamajean!)  Woo Hoo!  That's a humongous gift right there :)
Well we began the day with taking the kids to a park.  Due to the spiders and cobwebs (haha) we spent most of the time in the river and on shore with the clean rocks. ;)    

We then brought them back to the hotel so Phil and I could go for lunch just the two of us.  I found a place on line called the "Cow, Chicken & Pig B-B-Que".  Sounded wonderful but when we arrived there was no sign of any such place so we returned to a restaurant, near our hotel, called "Cousins".  When we approached the door we were greeted by the sounds of a chicken, cow, and pig (and even a sheep.  It was good.  Went back to retrieve the girls so Aaron and Everitt could take a nap.  Aaron needs this due to the fact that he goes to work at 3:30 a.m.  
Phil, the girls and myself traveled south to the site of the McNary Dam, just inside the borders of Oregon.  There we learned all about the life of Salmon and viewed the beauty of the water rushing through the openings of the dam.  

Tried to photograph the girls with a scenic background.  Lesson learnt?  Don't try this in the height of the summer sun.  Interesting results.

 We traveled down and back by two different routes.  The terrain changes with every few miles you travel.  And all is beautiful, even the many shades of brown in an arid land.

I always avoided brown but in the last 10 years began using it in my decorating, even in my wardrobe.  I guess God was preparing me to see the beauty.  

On a side note I have noticed that there was a great love for the letters "L" and "A".  here's why I say that - the dam is located near the town of UmAtiLLA, from there you can travel to the towns of WALLuLA, AttALiA, and WALLA WALLA.  (Now don't blow my fun, I know there are Native America reasons for this)  :)  Walla Walla - what a fun name to say and now I live very near it!  A story for another day.  
We all attended the Minor League Baseball game of the Tri-Cities dust Devils vs. Boise Hawks.  the Dust Devils mascot "Dusty" was celebrating his birthday too.  Don't worry - I stayed out of his limelight.  ;)  Also yes - it was hot - 100 degrees at 6 p.m.  Also yes - it is a dry heat.  It really is easier to tolerate but I will admit that during the game I had "trickles" where nobody wants trickles.  Enough said.  

And with that, I have said enough for now.  It continues to amaze me how many views I continue to get.  i don't know who all is reading or if you would continue to read so feel free to comment or p.m. me.  Continue to follow Him and serve Him.    

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