Sunday, August 23, 2015


It has been awhile.  Much has happened.  On Wednesday we packed up and left the hotel by Noon.  We proceeded to run through a drive up for lunch and then to a park with 3 adults, 3 children and 2 dogs.  ;/  We were still waiting for the keys to enter the house.  While waiting, Phil and I decided to run to the bank and open an account.  Yes, we are residents now in the fact we have a post office box and a bank account.  :)  When returning to the park, I noticed that Aaron had a flat tire.  It was over 100 degrees that day.  Ugh....  Around 3 or so the phone call came through and the keys were available.  Yippee!!!!!  Yes, after 25 nights spent in a hotel (this includes the 3 traveling out here) we are in a home.  Amy and Aaron's home.  As for a house - it is big and will be great for their family with a large deck and huge back yard.  For now?  Well it was a foreclosure so they knew there would be some things to deal with.  Unfortunately the two main ones right now are not a/c and the drains aren't working well.  So you adapt until the plumber comes and we use lots of box fans.  It cools down at night and that is wonderful.  I said Amy & Aaron's home because that is what they have already made it.  We feel welcome her and have our own space.  

But don't worry - as soon as we find affordable housing we will move on.  

The good news?  Phil begins his new job tomorrow!  :)  He will be in charge of retread tires and some sales.  Excited!!!!
Pasco Tire Factory
We attended the same church  today and shared in communion.  It felt like home.  Great message and time of worship.  God will let us know if that is where we are to stay.  
The people here in the Tri Cities are friendly, helpful and polite.  We've noticed it with walking, shopping, and driving.  No road rage or impatience.  
The fires are of great concern to many.  Thousands of acres destroyed and sad to say 3 firefighters have lost their lives.  We are not in danger here but do smell the smoke and have the haze.  We have air quality alerts on our weather apps.  
The day Phil was offered his job, instead of being elated - I fell into a panic of sorts and definitely filled with anxiety.  I feared not being able to "make it".  Now there are phobia classifications for everything and I am not looking for a diagnosis - but if you want to give it a name it would be "Peniaphobia".  The fear of not being able to pay for things.  So when the reality of is income, the fact that we have 90 more days till insurance and we have to pay for my prescriptions, a checking account that is diminishing and yet there were still bills...  It is so easy to pull out a credit card and move on.  We did that for an extended time earlier in our marriage when we had no cash for groceries, etc.  Results?  We are still paying it off.  If nothing else I want you to learn this - don't do it!!!  I could see no other way and yet I was not fully relying on god to handle it.  Fear paralyzes us.  While my body was not immobile - my clear thinking was.
I could have said no to this move.  I could have stayed safe in Spencer in my remodeled home and familiar surroundings, but I put that in God's hands.  I allowed my faith to propel me forward and just like that I need to do so now.  He's got this and whatever fear you may be dealing with - He's got that too!  If we allow the fear to be in control then we are not allowing God to do His work through us.  Thank you for allowing me to share.  It keeps me focused and reminds me 
" Don't be afraid, for 
    I am with you.
  Don't be discouraged,
    for I am your God.
  I will strengthen you
    and help you
  I will hold you up
    with my victorious right hand."
          Isaiah 41:10  (NLT)


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