Sunday, August 9, 2015


We have walked and driven a few more steps on our adventure.  We have made more discoveries.  When driving to look at a house, I stepped out of the vehicle and immediately was met with a loud "squawk!"  My immediate reaction was to duck.  I went to the other side of the vehicle but when I came back, another "Squawk!"  I searched visually in the tree and found two large parrots!  Always something new to discover. 
On Friday morning we ventured out to the Richland Farmer's Market.  What fun!  In addition to the great fruit & veggies, the flowers & canned goods - you could enjoy tasty treats, listen to music and shop the tents of great crafters and artists.  Great discovery of more fun.  
When living in an extended stay motel, you find ways to cook with little tools/pans.  We have discovered how useful a small grill and our electric roaster can be.
Phil has been our official grill chef.  He takes a folding deck chair down and stays the duration.  What a guy! :)
Phil also discovered a storage shed auction that was to be held on Saturday (yesterday).  So we went (and kept our hands in our pockets).  We drove up not knowing what to expect, hoping to just stand on the sidelines and observe.  Well that was not easy with only 6 vehicles and around 10 people present.  Like T.V., we were allowed to enter the premises at the allotted time and all walked to the first unit.  The padlock was cut off and we were allowed to walk up to the locker and look "in".  Then bids were taken and the contents sold.  No arguing, but a little fun bantering between a few that were obviously familiar with each other.  Now me, being who I am, began to wonder about the owners, the people that put the contents there.  Were they still around?  What happened to them?  Just so you know - if something happens, everything we own is currently in a storage shed on N Steptoe in Richland WA.  There, I feel better.  Don't let it go to strangers :)
I also have discovered a few signs that I am not used to seeing.  They made me chuckle.  At the large sports complex near our hotel, they have been advertising the upcoming "1st Annual Health & Hemp Expo".  O.K........  And then yesterday we parked near a building that on the side advertised Accelerated Hypnosis.  Right below it was a smaller sign for 30 minute parking.  (Hahahahaha)
Yes this is an adventure and we are making discoveries, some unusual.  But today being Sunday, we ventured to another new church for us.  We left feeling filled, welcomed, and like (maybe) we were home.  Was it perfect?  No.  Not expecting it to be.  But it did have many pluses.  They also are involved with much outreach and when the director of local outreach got up to talk about a local event coming up that 41 churches are involved in - I so wanted to jump up, volunteer, and talk to them more about what they do.  BUT - that small voice inside reminded me that I need to take some more time to "be".  Of course I also observed their Tech team and thought - "Good Job!"  The kids were welcomed and well cared for.  
I recently read a quote by Christine Caine that says this - "The church does not exist to satisfy each and every one of our selfish pursuits and ambitions, but rather it is a place where we can serve the needs of others."    I would add to that, "A place to come together to praise, worship and thank God as a community."  Hope church is that and this morning I felt like we were at another church that believes that as well.  Enjoy the beginning of another week that you have been blessed with.

1 comment:

  1. ahahahahahaha Accelerated Hypnosis. 30 Minute Parking. That's awesome :)
