Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Oh, boy am I ever!  But we'll get back to that.  
Christmas is past and I hope and pray that each of you has felt blessed this season.  It is past, and yet it's not.  Keep the spirit of Christmas alive all year, remember the ultimate gift and what it meant and means. 
According to the powers of the "net", my readers have been busy lately so most probably have not even missed that I haven't written like I was.  Well, I'm stuck.
I bet we all could share stories of being stuck in different situations in our lives.  My earliest memory of this is when I was around 10.  I grew up on a farm in NW Iowa.  In the spring, after the snow has melted and you try to walk through the cattle yard to do chores, after there has been a season of cow poo building up, well - most likely you will get stuck.  I did.  When I tried to walk forward I walked right out of my boots.  Yep, then I found myself stepping in it with just my stocking feet.  
Then there were the times when I was in high school.  I most always rode the bus to school ( I know that would be a foreign thing to students of today) and on our route there were a few driveways that we would need to turn around in.  Now understand that our driver was not the brightest bulb in the pack.  When backing up, we would all gather in the back of the bus and create weight that caused it to go deeper and further than it should.  Iowa winter snow tends to really pile up in the ditches, we would get stuck and then be late for school.  Loved it!
As an adult and mom there were times we would go tubing down the mighty Ocheydan River in the summer.  We would go for 1 or 2 miles.  Getting into the river was a challenge due to basically a drop off to the river but getting out sometimes proved to be even more of a challenge.  You would get to a spot that looked like you could walk out and climb the rest of the way - but sometimes it was deceiving and you would be stuck in muck.  
And just one more - the winter following Emily's engagement (our second daughter) she, our daughter Amy and myself took off on an excursion to scope out possible reception sites.  One of them happened to be a state park that was not used for anything in the winter.  We drove down the path, stopped to walk, came back and when we tried to back up to turn around we found ourselves stuck.  My only regret was not capturing a picture of one driving, and the other two of us trying to push our way out.  Too funny.
All of these experiences of getting stuck now cause me to laugh.  I have always believed that laughter is one of the greatest gifts that God gave us.  

I love the above picture.  I think this sums up how I want to always look at my position here on earth.  
Well, recently I have realized that I am once again stuck.  Now I won't go into the details, but I am referring to being spiritually and emotionally stuck.  I could try to walk forward and find myself stepping into some rather unpleasant stuff.  I could run to the back and try to get myself more stuck.  I could look for a place to get myself out or I could try to push.  But what I really need to do is give it ALL to God and leave it there.  Rely on Him to pull, push or lift me out.  I am here because this is where God wants me.  Circumstances that I find myself in the midst of are no surprise to Him.  He knows exactly what needs to be done and when.  I will wait on the Lord, I will be thankful for all His blessings, and I will follow His lead.  
In the meantime, it is good to laugh, to reflect of the past, be patient in the now and look forward to the future.  And I will laugh!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

You know its almost Christmas when.....

Wow!  I can't believe its been 10 days since I have written.  It must be the season, right?  Well - I haven't been feeling it and its not that there is no snow.  But it has gotten me to reflect on Christmas's past.

When I was a child, you knew it was almost Christmas when mom would make a canner full of party mix, a tub full of caramel corn, a pan of red anise candy and a pan of peanut brittle.  Yum.  There would be a bowl of nuts in their shells that we could crack.  Now the party mix was the first thing she made and she would put it in the basement to "Keep" it until Christmas.  It didn't take long for us to figure this out.  :)  Also, the silver tinsel Christmas tree was up with the rotating 4 color wheel shining on it and the card board fireplace assembled with our stockings hung.  We would be going to our country church on Saturday mornings to practice for our program that was always on Christmas Eve.  

As an adult I knew it was almost Christmas time when I found myself busy creating Christmas gifts, writing my letters, watching my mailbox for cards coming my way, watching Christmas movies, doing Advent activities with our children and receiving plates of goodies from neighbors and friends.  There were programs to attend and music to listen to.  With working at church for several years, there would be advent readings I wrote, decorating throughout the church with the design team, gatherings to go to and plans in place for our 3 Christmas Eve services.

And now??? Well, it must be almost Christmas.  My grocery bill was higher, my pantry is full of ingredients to make yummy things, my Christmas cards are not in the mail yet, and I've been creating again.  The decorations are all up, we have been observing the advent readings in church, the stores are packed with the latest and greatest whatever that we all should be wanting and there is a Salvation Army bell ringer at every door.  But....

Well, I'm not feeling it.  I know it will get better, but I also know I have to take some responsibility for it.  I don't have the friends and neighbors here to share goodies with, programs to go to, (Eden's was cancelled due to ice and Chloe didn't have one), no writing of advent readings or organizing things for the worship services.  I can be more empathetic now for people that are not surrounded with friends and family, I can open my eyes to all that is around me and when I go to worship I can sit with my husband by my side and be totally fed.  I can open myself to letting God work in me, through me, and see what He is doing around me.  I can volunteer at the huge production of the Live Nativity that our church presents.  I can do fun Christmas things with our grandchildren that live here such as crafts, seeing the lights, etc.  And I can make up my mind to focus on what this is all about, be thankful for all I have (not what I don't have) and be a reflection of God's love to others.  

Do the same - look outside of yourself and see those around you.  Share His love and be thankful for what you do have.  Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Its a stick to your ribs type of meal.

So if you needed to have a meal that was going to stay with you, sustain you for awhile - what would your choice be?  I always fall back on one that was a favorite of mine growing up on the farm.  It would be fried chicken, potatoes, gravy, corn, and dill pickles.  All of this was grown on the farm and I will admit, taken for granted all too often.  But it is still probably my favorite down to earth, stick to your ribs kind of meal.

When KFC came out with their mashed potato bowl a few years ago, it was a hit with me because it came close to having all these favorites for me in a quick dish I could get on my lunch hour.

This past Sunday at our church, Hillspring, I left with the feeling of just enjoying one of those stick to your ribs type of meals.  We are celebrating Advent like other Christian churches around the world.  This years focus is on the life of Mary.  Her life is being presented in a reverse time line.  (In case you don't connect - this way we will visit her life at the birth of Jesus on Christmas :) )  This past Sunday when the message was concluded, Pastor Bryan left the platform.  Music began and a woman portraying Mary entered to sit on the platform.  This was followed by two men dressed as Roman soldiers carrying a man portraying the body of Jesus after He had been crucified.  They laid Him next to her and she held His head on her lap.  "Mary Did You Know" was being sung as we went forward to partake in communion.  

Today is Wednesday and this meal is still sticking to my ribs.  You know its a great meal when it continues to feed you.  In Luke 2:19 we read, 
 but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often. (NLT)  I am sure Mary continued to ponder these things for many years, continuing through the death of her son.  The image that was portrayed while we were served communion is also one to ponder, one to think on for many years - for our lifetime.  We should reflect on this always, to remember what Christ did for us, what He continues to do for us through the gift of the Spirit and what will be done for us the day we are welcomed to our eternal home.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Firm Grip

So, just to be clear we do get snow here in this desert oasis area of the state of Washington.  It does not get very cold, it does not last long, and it does not get plowed.  So when it does arrive it results in late starts, multiple accidents, etc.  And what I have learned is this - watch where you have to stop so you can get started again.  Here's the explanation:  This is a very hilly area and if you have a normal car like mine and you stop at a traffic light or stop sign, don't be heading up hill.  You probably won't make it.  :)  My car did not have a firm grip of the snowy road.  

But here a few examples of someone having a firm grip.  Children usually do this to items in their possession.  When my nephew was some where around 2 years old, he could linger at the dinner table, be put down for a nap and get up a few hours later with a piece of meat in his mouth.  He had a firm grip of it between his cheek and gum.

When a daughter of ours was very young we could be shopping in a store and she would see a piece of string, a tag, a metal clip from a hanger, etc. on the floor.  She would pick it up with out me even realizing it.  We would finish our errands, I would lay her down for a nap and she would get up a few hours later with a firm grip of her treasures still in her hand.

One day this week as I was getting our grandson down for his nap, I laid down next to him to get him settled.  As I was lying there I watched him with 3 bean bags that he had taken to bed with him.  He had only two hands.  So he took one and tucked it into his arm pit and then he could hold one in each of his hands with a firm grip.  Now that's problem solving.

And one more - a few times when Abby and I have been walking she wants to go off the path due to curiosity.  But several times God has warned us about straying from our "path". ;)  Well, when she has done this she tends then to be limping.  So we stop, I lift up the affected leg and see that a "prickly" thing has a firm grip on the pad of her foot.  (I know - you think she would learn to stay on the path, but I'm sure God has thought that with us as humans as well.)

What have you found yourself with a firm grip on?  Is it something you need to let go of?  Does it have eternal value?  I'm not saying a person can't have things, but be careful what priority they have in your life.  Would you be willing to let go?  

Just remember to have a firm grip on the hope we have in our Savior Jesus Christ.  For that is where we need to have a firm grip.

So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. 
Hebrews 10:23 The Message

Saturday, November 28, 2015

You know you don't live in NW Iowa anymore when ....

Thought I would share some of the things that pop out at me that are remarkably different from living in Spencer.

You know you don't live in NW Iowa anymore when you check the temperature this time of year and the real feel temp is higher than what it actually is or when you do that in the summer and the real feel temp is LOWER that what it actually is.

You know you don't live in NW Iowa anymore when you go to the grocery store and there is not a long line of Christmas trees leaning up against the building.  

Or when you get an alert on your phone for Air Stagnation Warning.  Or dust storms that are common and the tumble weeds a normal sight.

I've also noticed a few things in speech, such as nativity is pronounced with a long "a" sound and when people are talking about the Hawks, it is not U of Iowa, but the Seattle Seahawks. ;)

Distance from place to another is described in minutes, not miles or blocks.

Your granddaughter comes home from school with a note saying they had a cougar siting this morning near their school.

You hear on the radio that the season for putting on your tire chains is now.

When having a sprinkler system in your yard is a necessity and not a luxury.

Yesterday was Black Friday.  A cool thing I noticed was all the businesses that gave the day off to their employees.  Not those in retail of course, but many others.  It was a gift to spend more time with their families.  

The Tri Cities is an amazing place to raise a family.  The school systems are award winning.  It is fast growing and full of extremely kind, happy, and talkative people.  Some say it is because of all the sunshine and wine.  Hahahaha.  I'm not sure why, but I will definitely say the sunshine is fantastic and I am enjoying the way you can have a conversation with a person so easily.  Ex. - I did run to Hobby Lobby last night for a couple of things expecting to find a store in disarray and employees ready to go home.  But what I found instead was that with both encounters I had with employees, they began the conversations, shared smiles on their faces and wished me well as I was leaving.  (And yes, they did work all day)

I know I have grumpy times, hurried times, and frustrated times.  But no matter where you live, or how things are different - share a smile with those around you.  Put aside what is frustrating you - many times after a little while you realize it isn't such a big deal.  And slow down - time really does pass by too fast.  Don't have any regrets about places and people you wish you would have seen.  

9-10 Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.  Romans 12:9-10

Monday, November 23, 2015

I'm Amazed!

I am totally amazed that I have had well over 5000 views of my blog since I began.  If you would have told me that in the beginning, I would have chuckled.  It has humbled me and I have heard from some people in my life that are appreciating what is being said.  I also am amazed how God is using me.

I am totally amazed at the trails I have access to and the great walking I am able to do.  I am also amazed at all the geese, ducks, etc. that I have seen recently gathered in this one area.  For some reason they enjoy "relieving" themselves on the paved walkway for the trail instead of the in the grassy areas.  Let me tell you, that's a lot of goose poop!  :)

This week is Thanksgiving followed by jumping into the Advent season and Christmas.  Many people are drawn into the sales, bargains, and "hoopla" of Black Friday.  I am totally amazed at the length some people will go to for what they believe is the greatest deal.  And I am totally amazed at the length businesses are going to drawing us in.  A few days ago, we were given "inside information" from an employee about a deal that would benefit us if we came to Black Friday at 5 a.m.  I'll admit that at first I was amazed by this.  And then after I got home, I realized that I really don't like all that Black Friday stands for, all that it creates, etc.  So, no, we are not going after the great deal.

Unfortunately, even as Christians, we too often lose sight and go for the gimmicks, the hooks, or the eye catching snazzy advertising to draw others in.  We get lost in doing this whether it is in to our lives, our communities, or our churches.  I'm not saying we need to be plain "janes" and stay away from all that is colorful.  God has created a beautiful world with many amazing things for us to enjoy and use.  BUT we need to put things in perspective, be amazed by His creation, go after what is important, use what is effective, and enjoy the simplicity.

In life we see many things that amaze us.  For some it may be watching a magic show or seeing great acts during America's Got Talent.  For others it may be the birth of a child, to watching their children grow and learn new things to realizing that there is someone in their life that loves them unconditionally.  Slow down, open your eyes, your hearts, and your minds to what is going on around you.  Be amazed at life and let God use you to amaze others.  Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

This and That

I know, I know - I didn't blog last Thursday (although I'm sure many of you didn't miss that :))

Been struggling with a cold, craziness, and just me.

Wanted to catch up with you on a few things though.  Observances that I have had.  First of all, remember that great place by the river that is just a couple of blocks from my house?  Well I was relaxing there one afternoon waiting for Phil to get off of work, enjoying the peace and beauty of the area when all of a sudden I hear this high pitched whining sound - much like that of a high pitch chain saw.  When I looked over from where it was coming from I saw something I have never seen before - remote controlled hydroplanes!  Yup - there they were racing in circles on the river when there were others there trying to enjoy the peace as well and catch a few fish for supper.

On a side note, they do hold hydro plane races on the Columbia river every year the last weekend in July.  Looking forward to seeing the full sized ones next year.

Well we did get everything moved in to our new home from the storage shed.  And as usual, some was a surprise (I forgot I had this) to (Why did we bring this) to (there is no way we need this).  Yes one car full of things went to be donated already and I'm sure there will be more.  I really thought we had gotten rid of a ton before we moved.  And then when we were moving things in we had a good laugh .....

First of all we had way more chairs than we needed or could use.  Guess I was still planning for those Sunday lunches I had in Iowa.  We also had more dishes than what I was going to need.  Was good for a laugh.

The Tri Cities is know as the Windy city.  When I first heard this I thought - no way, that's Chicago.  Well Chicago is know for that for the hot air the politicians blew years ago (or maybe not so long ago.)  And then I thought, no way - its always so nice here and calm and beautiful.  Well, it is - except when the wind decides to blow - it blows big time.  And along with the wind comes dust storms due to the make up of our "Desert Oasis" and not a good time to cross a bridge.  I can't explain it, something to do with the way the weather travels through the Columbia River Basin.  I'm sure many of you understand it better than I, I just know make sure things are tied down when it does blow.

And another observation I have had is the great diversity there is in cultures here.  Yes, you can see this in the variety of restaurants - Asian, Greek, Japanese, Mexican, Indian, Italian.  But the one thing that really caught my eye was seeing a East Africa Food Mart.  Phil asked if I wanted to go in, I said I would have no idea what to look for.  :)  Looking forward though to the day we can put it in our budget to check some of these out.

Looking forward - the church that we are calling home right now, Hillspring, provides the experience of a live nativity each year for several performances.  They use live horses, donkeys, sheep and camels - and the characters are even live.  (haha)  I am volunteering to be a guide and looking forward to meeting more people and seeing this production.  

No matter where you live, no matter what it is that God has you doing - we can find things we would rather do with out.  Whether it is the wind, the noise of someone's hobby, the clutter of things - we can always wish for better.  But let's flip that over and see the amazing things God has blessed us with.  I have amazing friends and family.  I am overjoyed with the support, the notes, texts, and connections that come my way.  And I do miss everyone back in Iowa tremendously - but what a gift to live in an age that I have internet and smart phones to keep in touch.  

When I was taking a walk by the river the other day, I saw a Loon.  I love Loons, their beauty, their calls, their commitment as a pair to make the nest and incubate the eggs, their long underwater swims when they dive.  I don't see them often, so I'm always fascinated when I do. So, naturally when I saw one the other day - it made my day.  It also felt like God was reminding me that He is here, no matter where I am or what He has me doing.  Remember for earlier blogs?  He's got this.  I have to keep telling myself that.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Do you see the light?

You know, as I was reading my devotional for today, it was focusing on being the light in a dark place.  You know, a reflection of God's light for others to see.

Well, I love light.  I have night lights everywhere to dispel the darkness of the night.  The first thing I do in the morning when I get up is open up all the curtains so the light of the day can shine in.  With the new car we purchased, it has a moon/sun roof.  Love to have the light shining in on me.  

So naturally when we were looking at the possibility of moving to the SE part of Washington State, the news that they deal with over 300 days of sunshine sent me to dancing!  Gotta love the sunshine.  

Well, the last few days here have been cloudy and drippy.  With the time change and our position in the time zone, our sun has been setting around 4:30 p.m. and on the shortest day of the year in December it will be 4:12 p.m.  Wow, that's hard for a light person like me.   And it can easily turn into being a depressing time or a negative one if I'm not careful.

What I didn't do and haven't done was think about the other 50-60 days.  So we don't have sunshine all the time, but we do have it 86 percent of the time.  See the positive.  That because of days like we are having I have the desire to cook several different homemade soups.  All those drips that are falling are being soaked into the ground and supplying a need to all that grows there.  

So it's darker outside, I turn on the lights in the house, light some of my favorite candles.  There are plenty of days and places in our lives where we need to remember that if the light isn't bright - we can do something about it.  

Because of the mercy that God lavishes on us each day, because of the grace that He has showered upon us we can "turn on" the light.  We can shine so others can see.  

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dog Friendly

So, I've got to say, I've never seen such a dog friendly place as the Tri Cities.  Of course we were always able to find pet friendly hotels as we traveled out here and then again for the 3 weeks we lived in one while waiting to get into Amy & Aaron's house, but it didn't stop there.

I have seen a dog bowl of water sitting outside of several businesses such as coffee shops, etc.

And when we finished climbing Badger mountain and was returning through the park, we saw a water fountain, paused to get a drink and then noticed there was also a "bowl" located near the ground for Abby to get refreshed as well.  
I've seen people with their dogs in Home Depot as well as other stores and twice we have seen someone on separate occasions in different churches have their pooch at worship.  Enough said.  

Pets are amazing and become important parts of our lives, our families.  A few days ago, a special part of our family, Casey, was relieved of her pain and suffering.  We left her in Spencer with Timothy when we moved.  We knew the move would be too hard on her.  And still it was hard to say "goodbye" again.  And very hard for our son to be the one to take her to the vet.  

Our pets are gifts from God, He is the creator of all things.  And what a gift they are to us.  Unconditional love, companionship, and fun!   And He expects us to care for them properly.  I believe how a person treats animals reflects much as to how they would or do treat humans.  Our pets love us unconditionally: They don't care what we look like, how much money we make, or what we do for a living. All they ask is that we give them a bit of our time and our attention. 

But they are a living thing, and there is nothing alive that won't go through death.  That's the hard part.  Saying good bye, going through separation.  

Each one of us will face death someday.  And though it is hard to say good bye to ones we love, we have the assurance and hope from God that when we profess Christ as our personal Savior - death is not the end, it is part of the journey to eternal life with Him.

Celebrate each day, love your pets, have fun with them.  But remember to share your story and His story with others, about the promise of eternal life with Him, about the forgiveness of our crud and the grace waiting for each of us.

Monday, November 2, 2015

It's the little things.....

Have you ever noticed that no matter what your wish list is or shopping list or whatever, it's usually the little things that bring the most joy?

This past weekend some more things arrived at our house to make it more our home.  On Friday our Washer, Dryer and Refrigerator were delivered.  I have a Laundry room, well some would call it an over sized walk in closet - but its my laundry room!  I'm tickled and will make it special.  The frig came, I once again have ice on command.  I love ice water and drink it all day long.  WooHoo!!!!

We picked up the couch on Saturday morning.  Then went and got our new bed.  The bed sleeps like a dream.  I'm so excited. And we have a queen bed, something we haven't had since before we had children.  WooHoo!

I can walk to the Columbia River's edge in 2 minutes and then take the trail in either direction.  I have always loved the water and now I nearly live on it.  

Abby and I are loving the walks.  WooHoo!

I opened a few more boxes today.  Found a wall hanging that Emily made for us before we moved and a "drawing" that Lyla did as well.  WooHoo!!!

And then there was the rain we received this weekend.  Its a big deal when it rains here, I mean when it really rains.  And it did Friday and Saturday.  This was followed by some amazing rainbows.  Beautiful.  

Or here's a simple one, you know how you seldom where socks in in the summer, well, that is for girls anyway.  I have begun wearing my favorite socks again and they feel like a hug for my feet.  WooHoo!!

I love it when I receive an email or a text from someone just to say hi.  Makes my day.  Or when you have a grand daughter say how much they love something you made.  Or the sound of your grandson saying "Gamma"  and come running to you.  Or to be texting with one of your children and they tell you they love you or they are proud of you.  WooHoo!!

All of these little things add up to more than anything I could put on a wish list or shopping list.  All of these things are blessings showered upon us like a beautiful sunshiny morning.  
Feel the rays, enjoy the day, count the little things.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Who Me? Yes, you!"

So much has happened since my last blog.  

  • I began a new job.  
  • We moved in to our new home.  
  • I resigned from my new job.
Yup, that's the short of it.  Through all of that going on my anxiety level when to new heights and it was affecting me emotionally and physically.  Life is too short.  The job was causing a lot of it and was blanketed with peace when the decision was made.

I was traveling 15 miles to a client when contemplating all of this, came around a curve and there was a beautiful rainbow.  There wasn't rain, but a beautiful rainbow.  Instantly I was reminded of God's promises.  I could not put my finger on exactly what it was I was to be reminded of, but I knew that God was in control.  I was reminded that "He's got this."


I reflected on different times in my life when I felt like Jonah or Moses, times when I tried to tell God He couldn't possibly mean me.  Times when I thought I must be hearing wrong, because this couldn't possibly work out.

There was the time that I was in the grocery store when someone came up to me to ask if I would be interested in a job at a Christian Preschool.  I loved that place, our children when there.  But inside I was saying, Who me?  Yes you!  I applied and was employed there for 8 wonderful years. 

Or like when I was asked to present at the Clay County Fair about all the dolls I had been creating.  Who me?  Yes, you!  After the presentation, I was asked to do it again, but as a ministry at her church.  I thought, who me?  Yes, you God said.  That night I couldn't sleep but was filled with ideas how I could do this.  I was blessed with presenting for several years to hundreds of women at many locations.  I shared, I was open and honest, and through me I was able to encourage many ladies in a variety of ways.  

Then there was the time that I was asked if I was going to apply for the job on the ministry staff at Hope Church.  Again, Who me?  Yes, you!  Well, this time I denied 3 times, was approached by 3 people and finally I said, "Okay God.  I'm going to trust you."  It resulted in 14 wonderful years of growth and serving Him on the Ministry Staff.

And then of course earlier this year God spoke to us of changing much in our lives to make this relocation.  Who me?  Yes, you!

The ups and downs of the new job, house, finding a car, etc. -  many times I have doubted, took my focus off of where it needed to be and still God tells me He loves me, He's got this and He promises.  When we give ourselves over to God, when we confess of our love for Him, belief in His son and resurrection, when we promise to obey - problems don't melt away.  The road is not smooth and His promises are not that it will be easy.  But we are never alone.  We do have His promise of love, eternal life, and He is in control.  Most of the time we can't explain how it is going to work out, but that's when we grasp His hand even tighter.

But I should share another time when I said, Who me?  Yes, you!  I attended church all my life, I read scripture, listened to the messages and believed all of it - except where it was to apply to me.  I believed all of what was said for everyone else, but it couldn't possibly be for me.  Because of this I believed I need to earn His love and the love of everyone else.  Even with my husband.  Then one Sunday we were coming home from church and when we got home, I stood in the kitchen, looked at Phil and said - "you really love me.  Just the way I am."  He smiled with those awesome dimples, sparkling eyes and said, "That's what I've been trying to tell you all along."  Who me?  Yes, you!

Not long after this, I was sitting alone in our living room, and felt God's presence like never before.  My eyes were opened along with my heart and I finally got it.  God loved me right where I was, just as I was.  Who me?  Yes, you!  That was an amazing eye opener.  I went singing while driving the car to pick up the kids.  

More to come in the days ahead of where God takes us, how He uses us and of course the laughter He blesses us with.

Continue to serve Him.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Yikes!! Breathe.......

So much going on!  First I have to tell you that with the close of October also comes the close of the Richland Farmers Market on Fridays.  I have come to love this place and have regular vendors that I go to each week.

It has been like going to a mini fair each week complete with kettle corn and mini doughnuts. You listen to music see great creations as well as go home with the most amazing flavored fruits and vegetables.  I will miss it until next spring.

Next I have to say that I have begun a new job this week.  It is with Home Instead Caregivers.  Already I have met some amazing people.  It is a faith based company and I know we had one in Spencer and knew some people that worked their. I have always thought that working with elderly to help them stay in their own home is a wonderful concept and know I realize what a wonderful company this is.  It is not the same as working at church and I do miss that a lot.  But I am trying to look at this as my ministry area for now.

SO!!!  After 91 days we will once again be in our own house!  Yesterday we signed all the papers on our house and begin moving in today!!!!  

Amy and Aaron have been amazing hosts but I know we are all looking for this next step.  I get giddy when I think of seeing my "stuff" again after being in storage for 3 months.  And then I think of all the unpacking, painting, deciding where things need to go, and YIKES!!!!  I haven't done this for 35 years!  Breathe and take it a day at a time.

A great friend often reminded me that I have all the time I need.  I need to be reminded of that again.  And keep leaving things at the foot of the cross, stop trying to pick it back up - we all know how messed up that can get. :)

A new month will begin soon and that reminds me also that His mercies are new every morning.

22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends![a]
    His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
    his mercies begin afresh each morning.
Lamentations 3:22-23New Living Translation (NLT)

Yup, I get showered by Him every day!  How great is that?!

Monday, October 19, 2015

So much to say . . .

So much to say and so little time.  Not really, but I do have a lot to share but won't do it all today.

Update - I had my coffee date with a gal that is on the staff at the church we have been attending.  It was great, no problem finding things to talk about and our lives are very parallel.  Amazing how God brings people in your life.

When our kids were younger and we would be on the road to somewhere (could even be just an afternoon drive) we would jest because every time we would pass a sign saying "Historical Marker" our daughter Emily would want to stop.  We did find some interesting things and sometimes it would simply be a large rock marking the spot.  Well, when we were on our excursion Saturday, we noticed that here in Washington they are called Heritage Markers.  No, we didn't turn to look at any of them, but maybe we should.  The name makes them seem a little classier somehow.  :)

So Saturday we traveled to see our first waterfall of Washington.  It was an interesting drive.

And then the lat bit that w drove down - 
was complete with a cattle guard.  

And then we parked and walked a short distance to the edge and wow - 

Beautiful Palouse Falls.   It was worth the trip (only 75 miles from us).  I also found it interesting that in one direction we see the constant fall of the water that is fast moving as it falls and the other direction we see 

a calm shallow stream.  

We took a different way home and you should always be aware of your surroundings or you might miss something interesting.  We traveled through a small town of 1200, Waitsburg WA, and on the way out of town, on the left side at a small pasture we spotted a miniature donkey, some horses and . . . 

Izzy the camel!  Huh, didn't see that coming.

A short distance down the road we went through Starbuck WA.  It is a town of a little over 200.  Since Starbucks began in Seattle WA, I thought I would look up the town info.  FYI, in case you didn't know, Starbucks coffee was named after a character in Moby Dick and the town of Starbuck is named after a man of that name who was big in the railroad in its day.    Huh, didn't see that coming either.  One has nothing to do with the other.

Well, then it was Sunday.  Had a great day of worship followed by lunch.  And for all those that remember by Sunday lunches in Iowa, I was used to having to do much in little time and found myself with a Sunday meal ready at 11:00 a.m.  Whoops, guess I can slow down.  I bet you didn't see that one coming.  

Then later in the afternoon. we tackled the next hike on the list.  Remember we are working our way down alphabetically.  Well, that means we are at Badger Mountain.  I wasn't sure if we should do this yet, but o.k.  Go for it.  
Abby was excited and Phil was my encourager.  Believe me, there was more than one time that I wanted to quit and return to the bottom.  But Phil told me to break when I needed it and go on.  With being overweight and having asthma my heart would do the dash and my lungs were gasping for air.  

The path was not wide and most of the time one side had a steep drop off so whenever we met someone - I stopped.  No I wasn't in danger, but I felt better waiting till they passed.  :)

I'm sure it took us twice as long at least as most people, but we made it to the top!!!!

The view was amazing and so worth it to complete it.  We could see for miles.  Yes, I would do it again.  But maybe not this week.  ;)

I have more to share but it will wait till next time.  What ever path you are on right now, keep you eyes open so you don't miss what God has placed beside you, take it one step at a time, celebrate the mountain tops.  

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hoolie Hoops!

Hoolie Hoops!  Yes, that's right, I said hoolie hoops.  A few weeks ago Aaron came home with a surprise for the girls - new Hoola Hoops.  They had fun trying to get them to work.  But in the end, the most fun they had was having someone hold them and then they would take turns jumping through them.  And in Eden's words, they are Hoolie Hoops.

Well, the last couple of weeks for me have felt like I have needed to jump through hoolie hoops, but I wouldn't call it fun.  In some ways I was prepared for this move - but in other ways I was not.  

I was not prepared for the endless questions and paper work required to obtain health insurance through Obama care, to obtain a new home loan, to purchase a car with a loan, to apply for a new job, and to go through filing a claim due to the fact we were scammed.

And yes at times it has felt like those hoolie hoops are lined with sharp teeth.  I feel like I have been bitten, gnawed on, and even spit out.

Yes, I still believe God has got this.  When we were scammed the thing that bothered me the most was that I felt like I was following God's lead and things went bad.  I believed I had failed.  God has since reminded me that we live in this imperfect world.  He is perfect, but I am not and this world certainly is not.  I do believe He can take all of this and use it for His good.  I have asked Him for exactly that.  Why do I have to go through all of this?  Why not?  Why should things flow smoothly for me?  Why should I have the insight to see the truth in all and through all?  The truth is - I shouldn't.  If we as Christians could see where every road was taking us . . . . well - you can see how messed up that would get. :)

The great thing is God can use the situation to glorify Himself, He can use us to be molded into the beautiful sculpture He desires, He can turn anything to good.  A good friend reminded me of this today, just as I had told her these words over a year ago.

The other day after I dropped Eden off at preschool I traveled West to soon turn North on Keene so I could travel to York Food Market to pick up a few things.  Well, I was daydreaming and realized I missed my turn.  I figured I would just keep going and see where I would end up.  Well, as you can see below - it turned into something beautiful.  The view was amazing and glad I was able to experience it.

I was reminded about being patient and trusting in the truth these past couple of days when I needed to take a drug test for my new job.  It showed a faint line for positive for opiates.  Not going to lie, my anxiety shot up pretty high.  Of course I have not used any illegal drug - but all kinds of things run through your mind.  I even struggled with "out putting" enough into the cup for the second test.  ;)

I recently posted on Facebook how I was feeling and being honest with the struggle.  Here it is:  "I am a Christian. I believe God is in control. I believe He's got this. But, sometimes my imperfect human side seeps through and frustration happens, tears fall, and I can't see through the fog. Just sayin'"  Several people have liked, commented and even a few have re-posted it.  I'm not alone.  People do understand and as God tells us in Galations 6 - "Share each others burdens and in this way you are fulfilling the law of Christ"  

Thanks for listening, for letting me share, for prayers.  Know that it works both ways.  We are here for each other in this imperfect world.  Every day and through those hoolie hoops.  Take care and continue to serve Him together.